Mischief Reigns

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"Like this."

In no time at all, Fred's lips pressed hard into yours. Your core began to liquify, your knees went weak, and your arms felt heavy. Was this really happening?

He grabbed your face with both hands. 

His tongue slipped out of his mouth and into yours. It slopped around your tongue, dancing and twisting in harmony.

He gently stepped into you more, and you could feel his bulge pulsing in his pants. The thinnest of layers separated you from it.

Anticipation bubbled in your chest, and excitement coiled in your throat. A short moan fled from your lips and into his mouth, which prompted Fred to back away.

"Now, now. As much as I would love to hear you moan, we can't be waking the whole house now, can we?"


Your cheeks grew hot at the idea of recklessly fooling around with Fred where anyone could walk down and catch you. Tingles started to spread from your cunt down your legs.

"What are you doing, Fred?" you questioned.

"Kissing you," he answered as he planted a tender kiss on your lips.

Your head felt light and dizzy. This wasn't something you did. You didn't just kiss random people. Though, you supposed, Fred wasn't technically random. But you still didn't know him that well.


Why? Why did you even ask that? Why were you questioning Fred Weasley about kissing you? Half the girls at school probably wanted to snog Fred. Half the boys too, probably.

"Because they looked so delectable," he whispered while staring at your lips.

That was enough to send you fully armed into battle. You flung your arms around his neck and pulled him back down to you. Your lips crashed together like magnets.

There was something athirst in his kisses. In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to quench his desire fully and completely. You were utterly at his will. Every part of you was melting and dripping into his hands.

Before you totally dissolved, you found the boldness to take back a little control. 

You grabbed his biceps firmly, spun him around, and pushed him down onto the couch.

Fred looked up at you in awe.

Before you had the chance to sit on top of him, he grabbed you by the shirt and yanked you down. You swung both legs over the sides of his and plunged back in for another sloppy kiss.

His hands were now exploring the back of your head. Your hair was perfect for him to grab on to, and that's exactly what he did. He tugged on it hard enough to drag your lips from his and expose your neck.

Like a predator going in for the kill, Fred's lips swarmed to your neck. He kissed it feverishly, and he began to suck and nibble at the same spot.

"Fred," you whispered breathlessly.

Arousal circumnavigated your head as he worked tirelessly on the side of your neck. It pulsed down through your veins and deep into your cunt, which was now aching to be touched.

To try and pleasure yourself, you slowly grinded your hips back and forth while pressing yourself further into his groin. His other hand, which had been on your hip, started to dig into your skin.

His lips worked their way from your neck to your collarbone.

His grip around your hair loosened, and he brought it around and started to palm your breast. Growing more lustful with each passing second and every painstaking touch, you could feel your nipples starting to perk up under your shirt.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now