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SURPRISE. I was planning on updating in a few days after getting back from my trip, but I got home much earlier than expected. There's a lot going on in my personal life, so I'm not sure how updates will go, but I will continue to try and update once or twice a week. I'm blown away at the enthusiasm and support lately, especially with the last chapter! I'm so glad that you guys enjoyed the risk I took. This chapter is sort of a filler chapter. I wanted to have some warm fuzzies with the Weasley's, especially Charlie a bit more! He's so underrated! Been highkey planning a Charlie, LGBT, Love Simon-eqsue type story. Let me know what you guys think about this idea! It would also include young Marauders in a twist of a way. Anyway, the point is that there's one necessary detail I need to add before moving on to the ball, which will be the next chapter, and that detail is pretty small, hence a semi filler chapter. But yes! The next chapter will be the ball!! The moment I know a lot of people have been looking forward to. :) After the ball, things will start to get progressively darker. But, there has to be storms before there's sunshine again. Please know that I've had a certain plan with this story for a very long time, and I hope that no one is disappointed in how things will progress/end up. Enjoy it while it last. Life is precious.

When you woke on Christmas morning, the last thing you were expecting was an owl with a letter for you. Fred came up to Ginny's room to wake you both, and he sat on your bed to hand you the letter.

"It's from Hermione," said Fred. 

You looked at him sleepily and tore open the letter.

Merry Christmas!

I hope this letter finds you well. I'm glad Ron told me that you were there at the burrow, for I almost sent your letter to the hospital. I heard things aren't any better with your parents. I hope you know that my sincerest and deepest well wishes and thoughts are still and always with you and them. Do not give up hope. They haven't gotten any worse, and that's always a positive. I hope Fred and George are treating you well. I know you've never outright said anything about them, but I've seen the way they look at you. Or the way their eyes shine when Ginny mentions your name.

On to the other thing I wanted to mention. I received a rather...unexpected guest a few days ago. At my home. My muggle home. It was Malfoy...Quite the shock, I know. I almost slammed the door in his smug face, but he insisted on coming in for tea, and I didn't want to seem rude in front of my parents or explain to them the relentless bullying over the years. At one point, my parents left us alone to go on their evening walk, and I learned his true intentions.

He came to apologize. Yes, apologize. He seemed...sincere. I know he was only doing it because he wants to take you to the ball, but I don't know. Something in him seemed genuinely remorseful. Is that crazy? Am I absolutely insane for seeing something good in that seething brat? I told him it didn't at all make up for anything he did, but it did warrant a fresh start.

He could have wrote a letter or stopped me in the halls at school. But he made it really personal and...special even. Don't tell Ronald, please. Or anyone who would let him find out. I know he wouldn't understand it, and frankly, I'm tired of his recent childish behavior. He STILL hasn't made up with Harry. Still thinks Harry entered the tournament on his own volition. Ron can be very stubborn sometimes, and I don't want to hear him go on about how my judgment is terrible.

Truthfully, I think the old me would have never forgiven Draco. But I'm stuck thinking about something I heard from Fred and George a few weeks ago. About you. They were talking with Ginny, and I couldn't help but overhear. They're not exactly quiet. They were going on about how amazing you were. How kind and thoughtful. How you were always giving people more chances after they've done something wrong. How you're always looking for the good in people, even when they might not deserve it.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now