The First Task

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A few weeks had passed since Halloween. The rampant buzz of the impending first task scared the hell out of you. You still hadn't found a moment to talk to Harry, and of course you were worried about Cedric.

You hadn't talked to Cedric since you "made up."

It made you feel guilty.

As you meandered down the halls to get some breakfast, you saw Cedric down the end of one.

Fuck, you muttered to yourself. You might have felt guilty, but you still weren't ready to face him.

He admitted he had feelings for you. And you had feelings for him.

And Fred.

And George.

It was all too much to think about, but you would have to. Cedric locked eyes with you and nodded his head towards one side of the intersection he was standing at.

He zipped off that way, and you quickened your pace to catch up to him. 

The hall was deserted.

When you approached him, he looked so nervous.

"What's up?" you asked as you playfully punched him. This was so awkward.

He took a deep breath in and expelled it shakily.

"Look, I don't want to compete with Fred and George," he started. "They're good lads. I see why you like them."

He looked down at his feet and kicked them around.

"I don't want to get in between that," he continued.

"Cedric," you interrupted. "You're not. I do truly have feelings for you too. I always have. I just never acknowledged them."

His face started to look more relieved, but it didn't last long.

"You do what you need to to sort out your feelings. I just wanted to let you know that after the task today, I'm telling Cho that I'm taking her to the ball as friends. Only friends."

You blew out a lengthy bit of air at his proclamation. 

"Cedric, you don't have-"

"I want to. Cho's great, but I've had my heart set on someone else longer," he smirked shyly. He somehow started to get even more nervous.

"Anxious about the task? Or about Cho?"

"Both. Mostly the task though. And something else...Look. I might die today."


"It's true! This tournament isn't exactly forgiving. So, if I do die today, I'd die with one regret, and I don't want to die with that regret."

You scanned his eyes trying to figure out what he was going on about. "What would you regret?"

"Not doing this," he whispered while looking at your lips. Before you could even process or respond, his lips melted onto yours in a delicate kiss. It was so soft at first, you almost didn't realize it was happening. He pressed himself into you a little further with a little more courage, and you opened your mouth slightly to accept him.

You threw your arms around his neck and drew his body closer. One of his hands was gripping your waist and the other was gently holding onto the side of your face.

It was a really, really good kiss.

You had waited for this for so long.

And yet...

It didn't have the spark like when you kissed Fred or George. It lacked the anticipation of what was to come. It was simultaneously everything you dreamed of and not at all what you hoped.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now