Fred Weasley

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Hi, princess.

I remembered the letters. I told everyone, and we're all writing you one. I'm not sure really what to say. What do you say to a dead girl you were in love with? One who saved your life? I should say thank you, right? But how can I? And then there's the other side of the guilt. When I think about how it should have been me, I am so grateful that it's not. George is an absolute mess, but I cannot imagine how he would be feeling if it was me instead. Because I know that if it was him, I wouldn't want to live anymore without my other half. I love you now and forever, but George is my soulmate. And not in that weird lovey, romantic way. I mean in the way that our souls are so interlocked that I know I cannot possibly ever be without him. So, in saving me, you saved him too.

We've commissioned an artist to paint a magical portrait of you that we're going to hang in the shop office. It obviously will never be like the real thing, but we'll know that in one way, at least, you'll always be watching over us. Through everything, you never gave up on me. Always believed in me. Believed I was worth loving. I wish more than ever that we could have just fled. Us three to that remote mountainside George talked about. Some cabin in the woods. Glittering snow fall and cozy nights by the fire. George makes you tea, I make you breakfast.

Sometimes, if I close my eyes, I still feel your soft hands traveling along my body. It's probably impossible, but I like to imagine that it's you really there, trying to assure me that I'll be okay.

And one day, I know I will be.

Because as angry as I was for so long, I know you're with Cedric again. Your mum, your dad. With Remus and Tonks. Even Percy isn't half bad when he's not being a git. Tell Cedric to treat you right, or I'm going back to Romania with Charlie, taming a dragon, riding it all the way back to London, having it scorch myself to death, and meeting him in the afterlife to give him a swift kick in the nuts.

Forgive the tear stained page. I hope it will dry by the time I place this in your grave.

I love you, I love you, I love you,

Freddie bear.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now