Quidditch World Cup PT. 2

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An indeterminate amount of time passed through the night before you woke to George Weasley standing over your bed. At least, you thought it was George. Being that he and Fred were identical, it was generally very tough to tell the two apart. George had two moles on the right side of his neck, and that was typically your giveaway.

In the pitch-black room, you could only make out vague features.

"What are you doing?" you whispered frantically. You were panting hard, and your heart had been pounding.

"I woke up to you breathing really loudly and moaning. You sounded frightened. Wanted to make sure you were okay."

You were probably having a nightmare. You had a lot that summer, ever since your parents. The possibility of losing them both rendered you completely rigid sometimes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"That's alright, darling." It was George. You were almost certain.

Fred was by no means heartless or careless, but George was definitely the more empathetic and compassionate one. Fred led with his head, and George led with his heart. Even with George's sometimes sky rocketing temper, he was generally the first to console over Fred. And there was another tell they both had recently.

George always called you darling or honey, and Fred always called you princess or love.

After a brief moment of trying to collect your thoughts and calm your breath, George spoke. "Alright, well I'll let you get back to sleep."

"George?" you guessed.

"Yeah?" You were right. It was George.

Your head was pulsing on every side as your liquor induced state was fluctuating back to normal levels. You dropped your voice to a low murmur. "Hold me, for just a few moments?"

Without hesitation, George pulled back the covers and nuzzled into the small bed with you. There wasn't much room, so you had to be really close. Not that you minded, nor did you think he did either.

"You sure you're alright?" asked George again.

"Better now," you lulled.

With the arm that was wrapped around your shoulder, George brushed hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. He continued to stroke it until your breathing stooped lower and lower.

He gave a quick kiss on your forehead and whispered, "I can't stay all night, you know."

"I know," you whispered back. "Thank you."

George carefully slid out of the bed and tip toed back to his own. The sound of his heartbeat in your ear rang through melodiously and sang you back to sleep.


The Next Morning

You arose to the sounds of light chatter and something sizzling over by the burners. When you sat up, you saw that everyone was out of bed and dressed. You grabbed yesterday's shorts and a shamrock green crop top and headed to the corner dressing area.

Ginny was there to greet you when you came around the corner.

"Want me to do your face paint?" she asked.


With steady hands, Ginny started on your face. You weren't sure what she was doing, as you left all creative integrity to her. When she finished, she handed you a mirror to look at her artistry.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now