Dangerous and Risky

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Shortly after the first week of school, Quidditch tryouts soon followed. You were still nervous, but you did really well. Cedric's subtle reassurances guided you the whole way.

After another couple of weeks mixed with intense training, it was time for the first Quidditch match of the year: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin.

You couldn't lie to yourself. You were nervous as all hell.

Playing against Slytherin always made your skin crawl. The whole lot of them were a ton of bullies, but with Crabbe and Goyle as beaters and Malfoy as a seeker, it felt downright dangerous.

After changing into your Quidditch robes, Cedric pulled everyone together for a brief meeting.

"Alright, mates. I know that it seems daunting. The first match of the year with the underdogs versus those merciless snakes. But let's go out there and show them why mother fucking badgers aren't to be trifled with!"

A raucous burst of cheers and applause echoed in the changing room at Cedric's short but invigorating speech.

Everyone marched out of the changing room towards the pitch, waiting for the commenter, Lee Jordan, to announce your team.

"And now, please welcome the Hufflepuff team to the pitch!" boomed Lee's voice.

You saddled your broom and kicked off with the rest of your team. The thunderous applause filled the vast and open stadium. Though not nearly as large as the one at the world cup, the noise certainly felt the same. 

After you zipped around the crowd and made a spectacle of your entrance, you all flew towards the center of the pitch.

Slytherin of course made an even bigger performance out of their arrival, and they all but raced into you when meeting your team in the middle. Everyone made their way to their positions, and the chasers remained glued to the center, ready to tango for the quaffle.

Madam Hooch opened the chest to release the balls, and the game was live. Zacharias snatched the quaffle first, and you zipped through the air to make yourself open for a pass if needed. Like the aggressive players they were, Slytherin's chasers all swarmed on Zacharias, and he quickly lobbed the ball your way. You were free and open with a shot at the goal, and you took it, scoring your team ten points.

While you celebrated, Malfoy whizzed past you with a speed that made you wobble. He had to have been inches from you. You tried to throw your weight to the other side and counterbalance it, and thankfully, it worked.

Even from a distance, you could see Cedric scowl at the interaction. 

Draco hadn't bumped into you, so it wasn't technically a foul, but you knew you needed to watch out for yourself.

The game continued on pretty evenly matched. After about 15 minutes, you were tied 70-70. You and Zacharias were in hot pursuit of the quaffle, and Zacharias faked a bump to the opposing chaser making her drop the ball. You swooped down to capture the quaffle, and just as you caught it, you felt a dull pound into the side of your head.

The world around you was blurry and spun around you as you fell to the ground.


Some time later, you woke up in the hospital wing surrounded by Cedric, Fred, George, Ron, and Harry.

As your eyes fluttered open, you wanted to snap them shut again and go back to sleep. The ache in your head was too much to bear, and you couldn't help but groan out.

"She's awake!" shouted Cedric.

"Blimey. How many times am I going to wake up in a hospital bed and hear someone say that?" you chuckled.

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