Harry Potter

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How do I even start something like this?

James Potter
Lily Potter
Remus Lupin
Nymphadora Tonks
Albus Dumbledore
Severus Snape
Cedric Diggory
Percy Weasley

This is a short and exhaustive list of people who lost their lives in the battle of good. I have known death since I was a baby. I have known loss and fear. I have watched countless people die to protect me and what I meant to this war. It doesn't seem fair that so many people, hundreds beyond just this small list, died for this cause when I could have just given myself over.

Ginny tells me not to think like that. Tells me you'd smack me upside the head with a rolled up Quibbler. I know she's right. I can feel your ghost doing it now. 

I know in my deepest heart that if I did just give myself up that nothing would have been fixed. Even more people would have lost their lives. I just hope that you can forgive me. It feels like my fault no matter which way I turn it.

I could have never won this battle without your echoing words about opening up to people. Holding on tighter to the ones I love. Your devout loyalty to those you cared about allowed me to drive forward with a new sense of resilience and calm that swept me through the darkness. I hope wherever you are that it's bright. Eternally bright and warm.

If you're there though, I know it will be.


Harry Potter

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