Business and Pleasure

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After things settled with your parents' funeral, you set out on getting their things donated and sold. You spoke to a realtor about putting the house on the market, and the twins, Ginny, and Ron helped you tidy up the house once everything was gone.

Fred pulled you away from the crowd when he had a chance. "So, I was wondering what you were going to do now."

"Well, I don't know. I've been in touch with one of my uncles in Leeds. We discussed me staying with him and his family."

"Do you want to do that?"

"I don't really have a choice, Fred."

"Move into our spare room."


"We're not asking you to make a big commitment. Just, move into the spare room for the summer. And stay with us each summer until you graduate and can get a job and find your own place."

"Fred..." you hissed.

"Don't. I already know you're going to say it's too much, but George and I have already talked it out. You won't have to pay us anything. Just pitch in for groceries or something. Help keep things tidy while we're busy with the store. We might even be able to hire you a few hours a week as a cashier if you're interested."

"Oh, shoot!"


"Your store! You had your grand opening a few days ago, right? I can't believe I forgot to congratulate you," you pouted.

"You had that meeting with the realtor. It's okay, love."

"I've been such a shit friend these last few months."

Fred squared your shoulders to him. "Stop that. You've been through a lot of trauma. You've been grieving. If anyone gives you shit about forgetting something, I'll break their fucking skull. Cut yourself some slack, please."

You inhaled sharply and tried to relax. "Okay. Yeah."

"Take the offer, love."


"Yeah?!" he beamed.

"Yeah, I'll move in. I'd love to explore more of London too."

"GEORGIE!!!" yelled Fred through cupped hands.

"Blimey, I'm only one room away, brother," chuckled George as he jogged into the room.

"She said yes," blurted Fred.

"Seriously?" George turned to you and lifted you off the ground in a gripping hug. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, okay! Don't break me before I have a chance to move in."

George started to whoop in excitement which caused Ginny and Ron to come stumbling in.

"Bloody hell, what's all this then?" asked Ron.

"This lovely lady has agreed to move into our spare room for the summer," boasted Fred.

"That's exciting!" squealed Ginny as she gave you a quick hug.

Ron narrowed his eyes between his brothers. He jabbed a finger back and forth between their chests as he spoke. "Don't you dare hurt her."

"We could never," said Fred and George at once.

"Good, because you'd have to answer to me," said Ginny with her chest slightly puffed. She cocked her head to the side and kept an intense stare at her brothers. 

"Okay, okay! Call off your hounds!" joked George.

Everyone fell into a fit of laughter and eventually resumed finishing up the house.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now