The Third Task

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The bitter winds of January eventually melted into spring warmth as April rolled around.

But the bitter winds in your heart remained restless.

The halls could be filled with dozens upon dozens of students, and they would always still feel empty to you. 

Without the piercing stares and mischievous smirks of Fred and George, the halls were dull and lifeless.

At dinner time, you sat alone. You didn't want to drag Hannah or Cedric into your pity like you had for months. They always insisted on being there for you, but you could never bring yourself to accept it.

You knew you were being a horrible friend, but you couldn't find the energy to care. 

Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione though, had enough of it.

They trotted over to the Hufflepuff table and plopped down around you.

"What are you guys doing here?" you asked listlessly.

"We're just being here for you," said Hermione.

"Yeah. We just want you to know you've got us," added Ron.

"And to ask you to come to the last task tomorrow," said Ginny. "You didn't come to the second one."

You looked at Harry who still hadn't spoke. He looked quite glum, exhausted, maybe a bit anxious. You hadn't realized the toll this championship had been taking on him. 

"I dunno. I'm just not feeling up to it," you muttered.

"Nope. We're not taking no for an answer," stated Hermione. "You can't sulk in your bed forever."

Ginny reached across the table and took your hand. "I'm really sorry about what happened with Fred and George. We know how much they meant to you and you to them. It's fucking terrible, but they would hate seeing you like this."

"Yeah, what she said," started Ron. "Remember that time someone bewitched Snape so that every time he talked, he mooed? You couldn't stop laughing. No one knew who did it, but Fred confessed to me later that it was him. Said he couldn't ever stand to see you frown, so he had to think of something to cheer you up."

You snorted a little thinking back to that day. Snape was so pissed when he could finally talk again.

"It would mean a lot to have your support there tomorrow," said Harry. "And I agree with everyone. Look, you kicked my ass to open my eyes about Ginny." He looked over at her with small grin while taking her hand. "So now, we're kicking your ass to open your eyes too. Fred and George would do anything to see you happy. Since they're not here to do that, you have to do it yourself."

Harry was right.

Damn it.

Why was Harry always right?

"Alright," you relented. "I'll go."

Hermione pulled you into a side hug, and you could see her smiling out of the corner of your eye. You could tell she was really concerned for you, and you were glad to give her a moment of reprieve. 

And for once in the last few months, you were finally starting to feel something.

"How was the second task, Harry?" you asked.

"It was fine. They chucked people we loved down to the bottom of the lake. We had an hour to rescue them. Cedric came in first. I came in second," he answered nonchalantly.

You almost spit out your water.

"I'm sorry, what? They put people at the bottom of the lake?!"

"Oh yeah, but we were never in any real danger, or I never would have agreed to it," said Hermione.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now