Alternate Ending

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As promised, here is your happy ending. :) I love you all so much, it's unreal. Thank you again, endlessly, for all the support. I got this out as soon as I could as an apology for hurting all of you. The start will pick up towards the end of The Final Goodbye, just before your death.

You smiled warmly at them, happy to see Fred trying to bridge the gap between he and his brother.

But the moment didn't last long. Other parts of the ceiling were now starting to fall, and the entire structural integrity was compromised.

"Run!" yelled George.

The four of you sprinted down the corridor, but Fred and George were so much further ahead of you and Percy. Percy ran clumsily, as if he had never run in his life. Your legs were just too short to match Fred and George's pace.

The crumbling texture was getting closer and closer, and Fred and George stopped in their tracks to wait for you.

The left turn to the next hall was so close. That's where they were waiting for you. George turned back and tried to pull Percy along, and Fred did the same for you.

But it wasn't enough, and it would be too late.

Percy shoved George out of his arms with all his might before being crushed by the rubble, and seeing that fate for him, Fred pulled on your arm with all his might until you both narrowly escaped being crushed as well.

A deep, radiating pain shot through your shoulder and down your arm.

"FUCK," you cried out. You hunched over and tried to grip your shoulder, but the slightest of touch pained you too much. You couldn't catch your breath from all the adrenaline, and the pain shot into your chest as you kept breathing unevenly. "I think it's dislocated," you wheezed.

"Easy fix," said George. He wasn't looking at either of you though. His gaze combed over the rubble. "Um, I reset Fred's dislocated shoulder once after a quidditch match," he whispered.

Seeing George's agonized expression pained you more than your shoulder. You hobbled over to him and placed your good hand on his arm. "George," you whispered.

"I can't believe how I treated him...He-he-he," he started to hyperventilate. 

"Hey, hey. Look at me," you directed. "Breathe with me."

George took in steadying breaths with your lead.

"George, it's okay. This is not your fault."

"I-He-He came back to apologize. To make things right, and I let my personal vendetta overshadow that. He-he said he'd die for us." George's voice was cracking with every word. Fred came over and instantly pulled his brother into a tight embrace.

"Percy loved you," whispered Fred in his ear. "He loved you so much. I know you were hurt, but Percy forgave you for that."

George nodded but held onto Fred tighter. His hands gripped at the back of Fred's shirt as he cried like he might float away from reality.

As much pain as you were in, you let them have this moment.

Finally, they pulled away, and Fred offered to carry you down to the Great Hall. He dipped down to carry you bridal style, and you groaned out as each little movement caused more pain.

"You alright, love?" he asked.

"Fine. Just get me downstairs," you hissed.

"Wait, I said I could do it," said George.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now