What Comes Next

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You blinked furiously as the sun pierced through the window of the room. Your eyes finally adjusted to the light, and you bolted up in bed. You felt around at your legs, whole and in tact.

You threw the heavy quilt off you in a storm, and you realized something. 

You were in your childhood home.

There were the boyband posters plastered all over your walls. Your three lava lamps.

But something was different.

The quilt on your bed was the one George always slept with at home at the burrow. The shirt on your back was one of Fred's old practice shirts. 

You smelled them both. Their scents invaded your nostrils.

Fred, who smelled a bit like pine, earth, and cinnamon.

George, who smelled a bit like apple pie, honey, and freshly cut grass.

Was it all a dream?

The battle, your death, your sacrifice, everything?

You bolted down the stairs of your Brighton home and expected it either to be empty or that those radiant and identical smiles would greet you.

But neither were true.

Sitting around the kitchen table was your mom, your dad, and...


The three of them stopped talking and laughing about whatever they were, and their faces colored with heavy grief.

"No," whispered Cedric. He sprang up from his chair and bounded towards you. He pulled you in for a deep and long hug. "You're here. You're really here. You shouldn't be here."

"Um, where's here?" you asked nervously.

"We're not sure what to call it. Heaven, afterlife. Whatever you want to call it, I guess," he explained.

You looked over at your mom and dad with immense guilt and started to cry. You sank to the floor, and they moved in to hold you. "I'm so sorry I let you two go," you sobbed.

"Honey, honey," shushed your mom. She stroked your hair until you were soothed a bit. "You made the right choice."

"We know it was hard pumpkin, but it was brave," added your father.

Your parents held you with all the love in the world, much like Fred and George once had.

They helped you off the ground and offered to make you some tea, but you declined. The thought of tea left an acrid taste in your mouth. It would never taste as good as a cup George would make you.

You explained to everyone what happened. How you died.

"Didn't you used to always joke about those two being the death of you?" teased Cedric.

"Well, if I'd known that it'd really happen," you laughed. "Honestly, if I had known, I wouldn't have changed anything. I don't think I could ever be with one without the other. And I know those two could never be without the other either."

"They were bloody lucky to have you," said Cedric.

"No. I was the lucky one. They colored my world in ways I didn't know was possible. Even all the fights and the heartache. I'd choose it all again."

Everyone sat around for a while and tried to make small talk, but there was too much burning in your mind. "So, have you all been here the entire time? Since..."

"Since we died?" laughed your dad.


"We have. Again, we're not really sure where here is. Sometimes we can watch glimpses of people who are still alive. Sometimes we can visit other people we know who are dead," explained your mom.

"I think it's like, we each have our own personal version of the afterlife," said Cedric. "And we're all off in those little corners, but sometimes, it all blurs together."

You smiled at them and were grateful they were here, even if they deserved to be there. Alive.

"I told you," smirked Cedric. "I'm not going anywhere. Now, wanna go play some quidditch? I imagine you're rusty by now."

"Me? Rusty?" you scoffed while standing up. "Please. You've been dead longer than I have! I could kick your arse with my eyes closed."

"Now this I gotta see," said your dad.

Everyone laughed as you all walked out the door, ready to explore whatever this great beyond was and could be. As much as your heart broke to not see Fred and George again, you knew that it would always be repaired from gaining all the somethings you had lost along the way. You knew that Fred and George had each other. You knew that they would always be able to pull through so long as they did. And as time moved forward, however it did in this dimension, you slowly watched the smiles of Fred and George return to full robustness and clarity. You watched their business boom as they opened up a store in Hogsmeade and soon one in America. You watched their hearts heal, and in turn, yours healed as well.

OKAY, ARE YOU ALL STILL CRYING BECAUSE I AM. This is *technically* the end. I'm sorry this very last chapter was so short, but I didn't feel the need to drag out this idea of the afterlife. I think in reality, the thought of it all still being vague and mysterious really attracts me, and that's sort of what I was going for. I'm so sorry for breaking your hearts. If it makes you feel any better, mine is shattered as well. So many people kept asking me not to killed Fred or George, and that was NEVER the plan. I never could. I am one of those people who lowkey refuse to acknowledge the canon that is Fred Weasley's death. So, if you'd like to ignore the canon that you died to protect him, you certainly can when you read my coming bonus chapter. I am writing an alternate ending chapter. Yes. An alternate ending where you don't die, Fred doesn't die, George doesn't die. In case you're questioning why I didn't just make that the actual ending, it's because I don't always believe in happy endings. Fanfiction can be an escape from reality, yes. But I'm not interested in those stories. I'm interested in raw and gutting stories that also put you back together again. And I hope that this is something this story did for you all. That in the end, as broken as you may feel, you are simultaneously put back together by the love and adoration we got to feel from out favorite big cock twins.

Thank you for joining me on this insane journey. I think eventually I will write another Fred and George story where it's 100000% bliss all the time. No one dies and nothing hurts. But for now, be on the lookout for my Charlie Weasley story coming next, and after that, my WLW Ginny Weasley story.

I love you, I love you, I love you,


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