Crash Into You

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Extra long chapter because I LOVE U BITCH. I AINT EVER GONNA STOP LOVING U, BITCH. Seriously though. The love has been unreal. These last few chapters have HURT BITCH BUT WE GONNA MAKE IT. Anyone else STILL CRYING BECAUSE I AM. I know there's been lots of great comments already, but I'm curious to know what your favorite chapters, scenes, moments, etc. have been! Also, legit, legit. I know I always say "I'm NoT gOiNg To UpDaTe" and then I do, but I am leaving in the morning for a small family gathering (we've all been safe and have all tested negative), so I likely won't get a lot of writing done for the next week or so. I hope to give you all one more chapter before the new year, but if not, happy Christmas! And happy new year! I know 2020 has put us all through the wringer, and I know things might not immediately get better as soon as the clock strikes midnight of 2021, but I wish all of you so much joy and love and happiness. If I'm real for just a moment, 2020 has just absolutely destroyed me, especially the last few months. Doing this, writing for myself and all of you and engaging with all of you has absolutely been the highlight of my year. It has brought me so much warmth and happiness, and I hope this fic has done the same for you (even amidst all the really crazy emotional chapter that we've all cried to). You're all boss ass bitches who I adore greatly. Drink some water! You are loved.

Another few weeks passed, and things with Fred were better. Not perfect, but better. Still, there was a twang of sadness that filled your heart. A small part of you that still longed for him. A part that craved his rough and calloused hands over your body while he cradled your heart with love.

It was the middle of summer, and you wondered how things had changed so much in the course of just a few months.

You tried to write down all your feelings. Started keeping a journal and documenting things. One day, you wanted to look back at it all and see where you were and where you ended up.

You busily scrawled in your new journal one morning while George studied you as he drank his coffee and tried to read his morning paper.

Another printout of the Daily Prophet. "The Boy Who Lies?" was sprawled on the front page with a moving image of Harry just after the last task. The words shifted into "Plotter", insinuating that Harry made the whole thing up.

It made you sick.

"Why do you insist on reading that rubbish?" you asked.

"Dad can't give us any information. I have to get something somewhere," explained George. He sighed before folding the paper and setting it down. "I know it upsets you to see slander against Harry. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," you mumbled.

"What's wrong?"

You didn't look up from your writing, still entrapped in getting something written. So, you also didn't answer him.

"What are you writing?"

"Just, trying to parse out my feelings."

"About?" he asked solemnly.

You eyed him cautiously, but couldn't quite bring yourself to say it, but he said it for you.

"Fred?" he guessed.

"Yeah...I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I don't want to upset you."

"Honey, give me a little credit. I know how hard this has been. I don't blame you for your feelings not disappearing overnight. Whatever you need to do to push forward, I support. In fact, I wish you would be a little more open with me about how you feel. I know it might seem awkward, but I can't help you if you keep me in the dark."

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now