Quidditch World Cup PT. 1

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When you, Fred, and George went back downstairs, no one seemed suspicious. Everyone had finished eating breakfast, so Arthur gathered everyone around to head off to London. 

"Right," Arthur started by clapping his hands, "We'll make way to London, meet with Hermione and the Diggory's, and then we'll travel to Dartmoor by Portkey."

"Sorry, sir. What's a portkey?" piped up Harry.

"It's a magically enchanted object. Could be anything. But once it's enchanted, all you have do is touch it, and you'll be transported to your destination," explained Arthur.

"ALRIGHT, QUIDDITCH TIME!" shouted Fred and George.

"Enough you two. You best behave yourselves," chided Molly.

"Always mum," they said with a smirk.

Fred shot a quick wink your way. If you had blinked, you were sure that you would have missed it.

You first instinct was to look down at your feet to ensure you weren't a pile of goo.

Damn these boys. Why were they having such an affect on you?

When everyone was packed and ready to go, Arthur led everyone to the living room. You were all traveling by floo powder to London. One by one, everyone stepped up, grabbed their fistful of floo powder, and poofed out of the air.

When it was your turn, you tucked yourself into the tall fireplace, grabbed your floo powder, and spoke clearly, "Diagon Alley!" while throwing your powder to the floor. 

In an instant, you were swept up in brilliant, green, magical flames. You kept your eyes shut during the short journey, and when you opened them, you had arrived at Diagon Alley. 

Diagon Alley was an old cobblestone alleyway tucked away in London. It's where every witch and wizard got their books, wands, robes, etc. before heading off to Hogwarts. Every year, the trip here was always spectacular. First year students running around in chaos and excitement. Seventh year students dicking around at The Leaky Cauldron.

You were the last to come through, and when you did, George pointed at his nose, and then to yours. Confused, you lifted your hand to your nose and touched it.

There was a bit of soot on it. You were a little embarrassed, but you tried to play it off when you rubbed it away. You gave him a small gratuitous smile.

Your massive group waded through the crowd until you made it to the Leaky Cauldron. Inside, you spotted Hermione and her parents immediately. You, Ron, and Harry rushed over to sweep her up in a group hug.

"Hermione, it's so good to see you," you said as you gripped her hand.

"And you all too. Good summers, I hope?" she responded.

You and Harry looked at each other grimly.

"Not so much for us," reported Harry.

Ron nodded his head towards Harry first. "You know how the Dursley's are." Then, he nodded his head towards you. "Her parents have been in St. Mungo's all summer."

The painful reminder stuck in you like a thousand splinters. Before Hermione could even get out a comforting word that you knew was coming, you lifted a hand in protest, shook your head and said, "It's fine. I don't really want to talk about it right now."

Hermione squeezed your hand back and gave you an understanding smile.

"If it's alright with you, I'm going to go say hi to Cedric," you stated.

The three friends waved you off, and you made your way over to the other corner of the pub. Gathered there was Arthur, the twins, Cedric Diggory, and his father, whom you'd met once or twice. Cedric was the same year as Fred and George, but he was in your house and the captain of your quidditch team.

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