Under a Million Stars

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You thrummed your fingers on the table in the common room furiously in thought. 

"You're going to drill a hole into the table if you keep at it," said Hannah. 

Hannah Abbott. She was one year below you and sweet as pie. You didn't talk to her much, but she was always around. It was nice seeing her face from time to time. She was always checking in on everyone.

"I'm just thinking," you said.

"Well, think a little softer or you'll hurt yourself," she giggled. "Galleon for your thoughts?"

"It's nothing, Hannah. I appreciate it. I need to figure this out on my own."

"It's almost time for dinner. You coming?"

"Yeah, let's go."

You and Hannah walked side by side to the Great Hall. You exchanged small talk about your first week, and she also relayed her disdain of having Snape for another year. You gave her a few tips for dealing with him, and soon enough, you arrived to dinner.

You could see Harry's face almost immediately, and the perfect thought dawned on you.

"I'll be there in a sec, Han. I gotta talk to Harry first."

She nodded you off and went to sit down. You bounded over to Harry and plopped down next to him. You were thankful it was just him and Ron for the time being and that there weren't many people around to overhear.

"Harry. I need a favor."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Can I borrow your cloak tonight? I want to go somewhere after dark. And I would really appreciate if I could use the cloak to get there. I promise, just tonight. I'll have it back to you in the morning." You put on your best pleading eyes and pouty mouth, and Harry just laughed at you, but good naturedly. 

"Fine, alright. Just stop looking at me like that. Where are you going anyway?"

"It's a secret."

"You're not doing anything that's dangerous are you?" he asked.

"Not at all. The most dangerous part about it is getting caught out of bed."

Harry promised the cloak to you, and you made a plan together to go back to the Gryffindor common room for him to hand it off.

Like fate falling into your lap, Fred and George soon came in. You stood up abruptly to go and meet them before they sat down with Ron and Harry. You pulled George away from his brother to speak with him alone.

His face was some mixture of irate and guilty, like he was trying to mask one with the other but failed. "What's up?" he tried to ask coolly.

"Meet me at midnight. I'll come by your common room to get you."

"Didn't take you for a rule breaker. Sneaking out after hours. Interesting."

"You and Fred seem to have that affect on me," you said with a shy grin.

"Where are you planning on taking me exactly? Not going to murder me are you?"

"Hey, that's my line," you teased. "Besides, it's a secret. You owe me."

"Can't resist a pretty face," he grinned. You were both standing so close to each other now, and you were certain that everyone was staring. You couldn't shift away from his magnetic pull. He gazed longingly into your eyes, and you wondered what he was thinking about.

Suddenly, your stomach rumbled loudly, and George's laugh tore you from your momentary bubble.  

"Let's eat, shall we?"

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now