Under the Table

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As always, your comments and support mean the fucking world to me. I'm kissing your foreheads goodnight. Drink some water.

A few days later was Fred and George's one week of their shop being open. Business was already booming, and you all wanted to celebrate. 

As George walked into his room to get dressed, Fred pulled you by the wrist into his own room. He closed the door behind you and backed you into it, his hands caging you in by your head.

He was hunched down a little so his eyesight was level with yours, and he inhaled shakily.

"We haven't had a chance to talk about the other day," he huffed.

"What other day?" you asked shyly. You knew he was talking about the phone call.

"Don't be coy now. I know my brother was fucking your brains out when we were on the phone together. So naughty. Didn't know you had it in you," he smiled.

You felt the rise of redness in your cheeks, and you couldn't help but look down. Fred lifted your head back up by your chin. "You don't have to look away from me. There's no shame."

His fingers caressed your jawline as his thumb ran along your lower lip, causing your mouth to part slightly. "Did it make you wet? The risk of being exposed?"

A small whimper of a response left your throat as it went dry. "Yes," you finally managed to say.

Fred smiled devilishly at you. "Dinner should be fun then." The threw you a wink and kissed you hard. His body pressed into you, pushing you further against the door. One of his hands still pressed firm against the door while his other slid down your arm. It sent tingles all over.

When he pulled away, you felt drunk. You wanted more of his blush wine lips. You leaned up to steal another kiss, but just as your lips brushed his, he backed away. You slumped your shoulders in disappointment.

He chuckled to himself. "Patience."

You rolled your eyes and pushed him away from you. As you walked out the door to go get changed yourself, Fred called out. "Wear something sexy!"

"Oh, I am!" shouted George all the way from his room.

You laughed to yourself as you scuttled into your room.

As you looked through your closet for something to wear, you found the perfect thing to rile them both up. You took down a skin tight, red, velvet dress that you bought third year for a new years party.

You slipped it on and felt sexier than ever. The hem of the dress was only a few inches below the bottom curve of your ass, and your breasts were lifted and showcased in a small A-line plunge. The short sleeves of the dress sat off your shoulders and cuffed your biceps.

You put some finishing touches on your makeup, whatever Fred had messed up, and then ruffled your hair back into place. 

You slugged on the perfect pair of black heels and headed out of the door and met the boys in the living room. 

They had identical slack jaws as you strode over to them.

"Fucking, Merlin," breathed George. He eyed his brother in awe.

You burst into a small fit of laughter. "Well, don't want to be late for dinner now, do we?"

"Maybe we should skip dinner," growled Fred lowly.

"What happened to patience?" you winked as you scooted past them for the front door. You opened it and looked over your shoulder. They were still standing there dumbfounded, so you just walked out. 

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now