Night and Day

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Before beginning this chapter, I just wanted to give a quick note for the rest of the story. I love Cho Chang. She does not deserve all the flack she gets, IMO. She was poorly dealing with Cedric's death. That being said, the way I've portrayed her is 10000% not my opinion. Just needed to add a little extra flavor.

The rush of students flowing out of the Great Hall bottlenecked at the doors. First years were trying to cluster together and follow their prefects, and students in all the other years were trying to catch up with their mates about their summer.

You stuck by Cedric's side and engaged in general small talk. That was until Cedric turned the tables.

"So," he said while exhaling your name. "Fancy me taking you to Hogsmeade this weekend? Buy you a butterbeer for not seeing you at the hospital?"

Was Cedric asking you on a date? You were a bit keen for it, but it came out of nowhere. Not to mention the potential gossip was already ripping through your head.

"Is this a date?" you asked.

Cedric's face turned beet red, and he started to stammer on his words. You wished you hadn't been so assuming, but your excitement and confusion clashed and sung together. 

" you want it to be a date?" asked Cedric. His voice dropped low, and he scanned the area around you to see if anyone heard.

"No, I was just asking..." you answered.

Truthfully, you didn't know if you wanted it to be one or not. Two boys, let alone twins, was more attention than you could wrap your head around. Still, the sense of safety and closeness you shared with Cedric made the prospect very alluring.

It seemed Cedric was a little disappointed, but he hid it well and hid it quickly if that was the case.

"You still never answered," he pointed out.

"Of course I'll go get butterbeers with you."

"Brilliant. Can't wait for butterbeers with mates..." he trailed off.

"Right, mates..." you were mentally slapping your forehead 20 times over. Could your exchange have been more awkward?

Thankfully, Cedric was someone who easily forgave and forgot. After a few moments, things settled back to normal between you. All was well until Cho Chang came jogging over to gain Cedric's attention.

"Cedric!" she yelled. "Mind if I steal you for a minute?"

"Sure," he smiled. "Catch you later, yeah?" he directed towards you.

"Yeah, see you later." You intentionally slowed your pace considerably as so to drift back from the pair. You couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

When you reached the basement, the barrels blocking the entrance to the common room were already moved to the side as a flow of students were still making their way in. 

Home sweet common room.

You were happy to be back in your circular haven. The fern plants hanging from the ceiling greeted you with liveliness, and the crackle of the fireplace extended its welcome. Someone was already nestled into the mustard yellow armchair, and all three wooden chairs by the fireplace were also taken by a group of card players.

You sighed lightly to yourself, as you had wanted to sit in the common and do a little reading before bed. Perhaps it was for the best. You had many days to sit in these stone and copper walls while soaking up some literature. 

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