Proposal of a Lifetime

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When Ginny woke you around four am, you groaned in disdain. Why had you only gone to bed three hours earlier?

As if reading your mind, Ginny inquired, "Morning grumpy. Why'd you go to bed so late?"

Oh, nothing. Just riding your brother's fingers like it was his cock. No biggie. "Hey, you were up late too," you countered. 

"Fair, but I look right better than you," she teased.

You sat up in your bed and said, "Also fair. You are an exquisite beauty."

"Oh shush," Ginny said while hiding her face.

Ginny was still working on that part of herself that was fully confident in every part of her. But she was almost there, and it was a powerful thing to behold.

"No doubt you're beautiful too," she said. "But I'm shocked you've grabbed the twins' attention."

You gulped down hard. What did she know?

"I'm not sure what you mean," you said as you made your way to your trunk for some clothes.

"Fred and George are quite picky about their company in women. I'm just shocked they asked you to hang out alone last night. Not anything against you, it just comes as a surprise. How was it anyway?"


"It was great. They showed me this meadow full of fireflies. It was gorgeous."

"They're always known for being the jokesters of the family, and all of Hogwarts for that matter. But they have their moments," she replied.

You smiled at your friend, reached out your arm, and squeezed her shoulder. "I'm excited to go to the world cup with you."

"Me too," she said. Her head cocked to the side, trying to get a closer look at you. "Is that what I think it is?" she gasped as she pointed a finger at your neck.

Shit. The hickey. Fred did work relentlessly on your neck last night.

You groaned in embarrassment. "...Yes?"

Ginny's eyes bulged out of their sockets. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Fred and I sorta...made out," you winced. You loved Ginny, and normally you wouldn't mind divulging her into your steamy secrets, but this was her older brother.

She tried to hide a smirk, but it failed. "What's important is that you had fun. And were safe."

You couldn't help but smile back at your friend. "Yeah, I did. I'm sorry if this is weird. I didn't mean for it to happen. It just...kind of happened."

"I'm ecstatic. Finally, Fred's going after someone good for him." With that, she walked out of the room to continue getting ready for the day ahead.

You pulled on a pair of jean shorts that fell just below your cheeks, and you also tossed on a dandelion yellow crop top. You also went braless, as you always do. You finished off your outfit with a pair of white high top converse. Deciding it would be more worth it to have your hair out of your face, you threw up two messy French braids and headed downstairs. 

You found Ginny in the living room talking with Ron, and next to him was Harry.

"Harry!" you shouted.

Harry turned around in shock, stumbled to stand up, and hustled over to hug you.

"I didn't realize you'd be here this morning. I thought we were meeting you in London!"

"Yeah, that was the plan. I guess I just wanted to spend as much time with everyone as possible." When Harry said this, he turned around to look at Ginny and Ron, but you secretly knew he was looking at Ginny. He would never admit it, but Ginny was perfect for him. He just couldn't see it yet. You smirked to yourself as you could see the chess pieces slowly moving into place.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now