Chapter Thirty-Not in Love

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Disclaimer: None of these characters are of my invention yada yada yada, etcetera.

Happy Thirtieth Chapter! My baby’s growing up, tears up. And the anniversary is soon, I think Feb 2…. Something like that.

 Let’s start off with a celebration shall we?

Chapter Thirty: Not in Love

“WOHOO! IT’S MY BIRTHDAY BITCHES!” Sirius shouted as they walked in the corridors of Hogwarts.

“Mr. Black, I understand that you are excited but please, do try to control yourself.” Professor McGonagall said.

Sirius who was grinning crazily, said, “Sorry, professor. I’m just really excited! I’m seventeen! WOHOO!”

Professor McGonagall set her mouth in a line, like she was suppressing a smile. She said sternly, “Well then, happy birthday, Mr. Black. Do keep it legal.”

“Everything is legal now, professor.” Sirius said cheekily.

With something akin to a contained, but fond gaze, McGonagall sighed while shaking her head and walked away to yell at two Slytherin’s who were a bit too close for her comfort.

James looped an arm Sirius and ruffled his hair. “Congrats, mate! You’re finally as old as we are.”

Sirius recoiled and struggled under his grasp. “The devil? Not the hair man, not the hair! It took me ages!”

Remus smirked and shoved Sirius with his shoulder. “Chin up mate, your hair always looks amazing.”

Sirius scowled and produced a comb from his robes. He began to run the comb through his hair while clicking his tongue impatiently. “Damn it, the gel faded, thanks prongs, your meat hands have ruined perfection.”

“A pleasure, padfoot.” James said cheekily.

Peter stumbled as his robes caught on his foot. “So what are the plans for tonight?”

Sirius’ spirits brightened. “We’re going to kick up a shindy.”

James frowned, “Shindy? The hell is that?”

Remus rolled his eyes, “It’s this muggle thing. Another term for parties.”

Sirius nodded in agreement. “It’s going to be just like that festival in the 60’s, Woodstock I think, with the Stones, Hendrix, The Who, and some Beatles. Only you know, without the actual people and lots and lots of booze.”

James said, “Okay, I know who the Beatles are, just everything else on that list is a blank.”

Sirius smirked and walked with an eased swagger. “Don’t sweat it mate, I got it all figured out. Tonight will be wicked.”

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