Chapter Eleven- Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

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Disclaimer: Not mine

Thanks for reading; it is amazing how much reads I got already.

Chapter Eleven: Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.

Lily narrowed her green eyes and scowled at the mirror. She concentrated hard and even puffed out her cheeks. Come on, come on, she urged. A bead of sweat trickled down her temple as she gave an intense look to her appearance. She heard herself groan in exercise and she forced herself to try harder.

Alice walked in the Gryffindor girl's dormitory, and turned her head to the side on sight of Lily. "Are you trying to explode? If so, it's not going to work without a spell. Looks aren't everything you know."

Lily huffed and turned around to face Alice. She gave up; Lily sat down on her bed and placed her head in hands miserably.

"I'm not trying to explode." Lily muttered into the palms of her hands. Alice sensed her friend's melancholy and joined Lily on the bed beside her.

"What's wrong?" Alice queried.

Lily lifted her head and showed Alice the problem. "I can't stop bloody smiling!"

Alice raised a thin eyebrow and said, "And that's a bad thing because?"

A steady blush staid upon Lily's cheek and her smile grew consistently wider. "It's a bad thing because of the reason I'm smiling." Lily placed her hands on her cheeks and added, "And blushing."

Alice's interest climaxed at her words.

"Oh, and why are you smiling and blushing like this?"

Lily's cheeks turned to the color of her hair as she tried to cool them down.

Alice scowled, "Tell me."

Lily turned away, "Do I have to?"

Alice's lips twitched, "Yes."

Lily's head jerked up as she scanned the room, searching for any eavesdroppers. Seeing that she had no reason, or a good excuse, to not tell Alice, she figured she should. She brushed back a strand of wine-red hair.

"Okay, fine. But you can't tell anyone."

Alice crossed her heart and held her right hand up solemnly. Lily's mouth quirked up at the loyalty of her friend and she felt her confidence grow slightly.

Lily said, "Remember when Potter rushed towards me before the Quidditch game?"

Alice nodded her head vigorously, "Yeah, he pulled you over for a moment."

Lily bit her lip, "Well, we made a wager. If he wasn't able to catch the snitch in ten minutes, he would leave me alone for a week."

Alice frowned, "But he did."

"Indeed," Lily said blushing harder.

Alice said, "So, what was the other end of the bargain. I mean, Potter would never miss an opportunity to pull you."

"Err, if he did catch the snitch in ten minutes, he and I would have to kiss. So, he did, and err, we kissed." Alice's mouth dropped in shock until her brown eyes blazed with intensity as she squealed and sprang up. Alice jumped up and down while continuing her squealing.

"Oh my Hogwarts! He kissed you! He kissed you! You kissed him! Holy Hippogriffs! Tell me everything! Is he a good kisser? Was it a good first kiss? When is your first date? Oooohhhh, I knew you two would get together! Can I be your maid of honor? Should I wear a pink gown? No! Green would look better with my hair! What will be the wedding song? I'm thinking-"

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