Chapter Twenty-four Brilliantly Brave

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Disclaimer: *checks legal documents. It appears that if I do say that I own and or created these characters, I could be imprisoned and fined for many years. So, considering this case, no I don't own them. Not a bit.

By the way, I may or may not ship Wolfstar (what I believe to be Sirius' and Remus' ship name. Maybe, a little, okay maybe a bit more than a little)

Also I melted at the photo above. SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

I love the song I put!

Chapter Twenty-Four: Brilliantly Brave

Sirius Black's fingers lightly, but swiftly, pressed the keys of a piano. The tune was soft, haunting, and so sweet it could give you a toothache from hearing it. The music sheets were resting against where the pianist could see them. However, the notes where lost to him as his eyes were closed as he played from memory, rather than sight. His head was swaying softly, swishing back and forth, tickling his jawline. His body moved with his fingers, every movement his fingers made, his body responded. With every tap, his body moved forward, back and forth with an emotion that could only be categorized as pure passion.

An odd sense of peace invoked him with the piano's sounds, whether they be high, low, or right where an equilibrium was established, it haunted his very soul. Sirius could feel himself becoming lost to the word outside of the piano. Gone from Hogwarts, gone from his friends, his professors, his enemies; he was gone from all things in the natural world, save from the piano.

Despite being forced to learn the piano as "Black's rite of passage as they are pure and perfect" (Sirius snorted inside at that thought), it was one of the few things he was grateful for that his parents imposed on him. He could remember when he first saw the piano. Five year old Sirius Black rushing through the corridors of his abnormally large, and lonely mansion, came to mind. He had just finished getting yelled at for not pronouncing his French verbs right and at this moment, Sirius needed a break from his parents, whom he was sure were Dementors in disguise.

He was skidding across the corridors when a door was left ajar and a sleek black object, drew his attention. He stopped at once (hitting the wall because although as suave as Sirius was now, it wasn't the case back then), and then walking silently to the room. Little Sirius saw the vastness of the room, as it made him feel smaller than what he already was. He eyed the piano, coming to it as if he were in a trance. He climbed up the piano bench and lifted what wooden board covered. There were white keys staring back at him, with smaller black ones in the middle.

Curious little Sirius quickly jammed a finger onto one of the keys. He jumped at the noise it made, wondering how it made that noise, and if he could make it happen again. With more fingers jamming the piano in different areas of the keys, Sirius played (rather decent for a first time, especially for a five year old).

His father walked in, shouting, "What in God's name is that noise?"

Sirius jumped, swiveling around in the bench and cowering closer to the piano. Even at a young age, Sirius had always been rebellious. But with rebelliousness, Sirius learned that punishments were followed. He flinched, as the expression on his fathers face mirrored the one his father had made yesterday as he struck Sirius across the head for talking back.

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