Chapter Eighteen- Colliding Again and Again and Again

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Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me

Chapter 18: Colliding Again and Again and Again




Again, more silence.


"Huh?" Lily's head shot up. She blinked and then said, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Alice was glaring at her, her sparkly brown eyes were slightly mischievous, slightly annoyed. Her short bob was swishing as she shook her head. "Really Lily? Studying? Our O.W.L.s are over and you're studying!"

"I'm not studying," Lily said defending herself, "I'm reading. Remus gave me this book, it's really good."

Alice yanked the book out of her hands, "The Outsiders," she said. Alice wrinkled her nose distastefully. "It sounds educational."

Lily replied, "It's not."

With a flick of her wrist, Lily's book was thrown over Alice's shoulder, landing on the floor with a loud thud. Lily dashed past Alice and scooped up the book. She inspected the book, only discovering few damages, some of the pages were bent awkwardly. Lily scowled and shuffled through the pages.

"You made me lose my page!" Lily exclaimed.

"Oh, whatever. You need a break from doing stuff like that. Come on, let's do something fun."

"No," Lily said quickly, "we're not streaking in the middle of the night."

"Okay, then-"

"And, we're not pranking anyone."

"How about-"

"Nor are we knocking down first years because we can."

"Okay!" Alice yelled. "Jeez you sure know how to ruin the fun, Lil."

"I'm not ruining the fun, I'm just saving us from detention." Lily defended.

Alice blew a lock of hair out of her face, then her face light up and a smirk appeared. "Let's go to the last Quidditch game!"

"No," Lily said.

"Ugh, why not?"

Lily answered, "Because of what happened last time."

Alice's smirk widened, "You mean the time when you and James made a bet, which you lost, which resulted into Potter snogging the nonsense out of you?"

Lily's face heated red, "Yeah, that."

Alice smiled, "Then don't make a bet with him. Now, let's go to the game."


Alice sighed, "Come oooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn," she whined. "It's the last game of the year! It's Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. If we win this, we win the cup! Please?"

"Will you leave me alone to read tomorrow?"


"Fine, we'll go then."

Alice cheered, Lily rolled her eyes. "Let's get ready then." Still cheering, Alice grabbed her backpack and dashed her way to the girls dorm and-

Bang! The two bodies collided and they both went on the floor. The other body on the floor, was lying under Alice. Alice opened her eyes and she looked up. Instantly, a beet red blush painted her cheeks and so did the boy's. She rolled off of him, only landing on the floor painfully and tried to hide her face. The boy, still blushing, got up shakily and stammered, "I'm s-sorry. H-here, let me help you up."

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