Chapter Two- Fights, Tears, and Glasses

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, if I did I would throw my money in the air and dance like the lunatic I am.

(Still cant believe I got 32 reads, awesome!)

Now, on with the reading!

Lily's eyes were glued to the car window. She wished the car would go faster. No, wait, wrong wish. She already wanted to be at Hogwarts.

"Are we there yet?" Lily asked her parents. Her dad chuckled at his youngest daughters immatureness. "Almost Lily-pad, almost." He answered. Lily pouted slightly and drew out the ticket Professor McGonnagol had given her.

Lily remembered meeting her new professor. She was certainly a lady you should never, under any circumstances, cross or suffer harsh consequences. Professor McGonagall was strict, and had a no-nonsense look in her brown eyes. Yet they were also filled with kindness, independence,and compassion. Lily couldn't help but admire her.

Lily glanced at her ticket, Platform nine and three quarters, that's odd. Lily knew that magic was supposed to be top secret, confidential, towards Muggles (non- magical people). However, since when exactly had there been a platform nine and three quarters before?

Maybe there was a special way. What did Severus say about the train again? Lily thought long and hard. She recalled him saying something about a barrier...

"We are here!" Lily's mother announced. Lily quickly unbuckled her seat belt, after fumbling with it for a few times, she was free and leaped out the door. Lily then, grabbed her trunks and started to make her way into Kings Cross.

They had twenty minutes to get on the train... "Slow down flower!" Her mother said half amused, half sternly. Lily sighed and stopped, waiting impatiently for her parents to catch up.


Severus Snape's ebony black eyes scanned the crowd of old and young, witches and wizards, searching for a particular emerald green eyed, redhead. Where was she? Did she forget how to get through the barrier? Severus was half tempted to leave the sour, bitter, unkind, woman next to him, (who happened to be his mother) and search for Lily himself.

When he was just about to act upon that thought, he found her. Ah, there she is his mind spoke. Lily... She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Severus seemed to like everything about Lily. No, like was not enough. Merlin's Beard, was it possible that he loved Lily?

The greasy haired boy dismissed that idea almost immediately. He couldn't love Lily. Could he?

She was just his best friend. Then why si your heart pounding at the thought of her? a snide voice said in his head. No, no, no, no, no! Lily was a friend. If she was simply a friend, then why did his heart did dance every time he saw her? Why did his breath seem to catch every time she smiled or laughed?

Furthermore, why was it that whenever she was in pain, he had to restrain himself from holding her tight in his scrawny arms, and never letting go? Whether Severus liked it or not, he loved Lily with his entire heart.

He loved how her nose crinkled when she was in deep thought. He loved how she was always in a good mood, constantly trying, and succeeding at that, at lifting people's spirits.

He loved how stubborn she was and how she always fought for what she felt was right. Even when she was wrong she would never admit it. He loved how innocent and curious she was to learning new things, like when he explained Azkaban, the prison for bad wizards, to her. Most of all Severus loved Lily's eyes.

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