Chapter Twenty-one- The Summer 1973

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Disclaimer: In case anyone hasn't realized now, these characters, the ones down below? I didn't make them.

So guys, it’s finally here! The tale of James’ brother will be revealed! 

Before you read: This takes place after the marauders/Lily’s second year at Hogwarts. James is thirteen and Sirius is twelve.

Chapter Twenty-one: The Summer of 1973

James Potter bounded eagerly down the stairs towards the door. After nearly three years of asking and near begging, Sirius’ mother, an unpleasant with an even more unpleasant name (Walburga), had finally allowed her eldest son to stay at the Potter home for the rest of the summer. James, elated by the news, had informed his parents while almost jumping up and down in excitement.

His sock clad feet made surprisingly loud stomps as he reached the last step. When he heard the door bell ring again, James dashed to foyer, unlocked the giant door, and threw it open. There stood a twelve year old Sirius Black with his hair freshly cut, probably his parents doing since the boy loved it unruly and long, and a grin that stretched for miles. Since he was younger than James, he was constantly reminded by James that since he was the youngest that meant he would always be the smallest of the group, even Peter was taller than him at this point. But, this was before the hormones kicked in young Sirius’ body so until than, he was the smallest of the friends. 

His bags were bigger than his body, James thought it looked like he was packing for the army rather than the summer and following school year. Sirius’ parents stood behind him like a dark shadow. His mother was surveying the inside of the Potter house nosily and Sirius’ father on the contrast, was stone faced, with no emotion given otherwise. 

Sirius dropped his suitcases, yelled, “C’mere you skinny git!” and nearly tackled a laughing James. As he was man-hugging his best friend, Sirius’ mother said, “Sirius, your manners, please.”

Sirius released James and responded, “Mother, your manners, please.” 

Sirius’ mother opened her mouth, probably to say something nasty and completely rude, James’ own mother appeared with a warm smile and the smell of lunch wafting behind her. 

She beamed, “Oh hello, Sirius. It’s so great to see you dear. Thank, Mr and Mrs. Black for allowing him to stay here with us for the summer.” 

“Mhmm,” Mrs. Black mumbled.

Mrs. Potter peered around Sirius, “Oh and is that Regulus? How are you dear? James tells me that this September will be your first year into Hogwarts! Are you excited?”

A smaller than Sirius Regulus, tentatively looked behind his fathers leg. 

“Uh, yes ma’am.” The boy said quietly.

She smiled back kindly, “Oh you know, Harry will be starting his school year soon too. A couple of years from now, he’s nine. Where is that boy? Harry!”

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