Chapter Four- Always

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Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter! There, I said it, you now happy JK Rowling?

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Chapter 4- Always

"Lily," poke.

"Lily," another poke.

Alice sighed. This girl was harder to wake up than a mountain giant. She snickered at the thought. Not that she would know about giants. No way. The only thing she did know was that they had no personal hygiene at all. Gross. Alice racked her brain for ideas on how to wake up Lily. Maybe she could pour water on her head? No, Alice didn't feel like getting chased by an furious redhead, thank you very much. Alice bit her lip and glanced at the clock. If she didn't get up now they would be late on their first day of school. Not a good first impression. Alice decided to wake her up the way her cousins woke her up.

She hopped onto Lily's bed and started to jump up and down on it while screaming, "Lily wake up! WAKE UP! Gosh your hard to wake up! I will send a angry armada of giants is you don't wake up! Up now!"

Lily groaned and rolled over. "Five more minutes mum." Mum? Did Alice really sound like a mum? Last time she checked she was a eleven year old girl and would like to stay that way. It was fun being a kid. No responsibility's, freedom, the excuse to act immature...

 Wait, what was Alice doing? She was definitely doing something important. But what was it? Alice hated this about herself. She would always get distracted by something. Her mind was always racing. Filled with endless thoughts. She would go on and on and on....

Ugh! It happened again. Okay, concentrate Alice, she told herself. She was yelling something about giants? She looked down.

Oh! Now she remembered! "Lily do I look like a mum? Open up your eyes and look!" Lily obeyed. She yawned and stretched out her arms like a fan. She glanced at the clock and screamed scrambling up from her bed and knocking Alice to the ground.

"Ow!" Alice protested.

"Sorry," Lily apologized.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" she asked as she got dressed. Alice got up and dusted herself up with a 'humpf'.

Alice said, "I tried to. Do you know how hard you are to wake up?"

While tyig her shoes she replied, "Nope, but I have been told it's difficult by my mother."

Alice snorted. Difficult was an understatement. Alice voiced her thoughts when Lily put her hair in a swift pony tail and was grabbing her backpack from the floor. 

"Ready?" She asked Alice.

"I was born ready." Alice answered.


As Lily and Alice made their way towards the Great Hall, Lily noticed a figure enveloped in the darkness of the shadows near the door. She stopped dead in her tracks. She would recognize that stiff and cold posture anywhere. "Hey Alice," Lily called out to her, "Would you save me a seat in the Great Hall? I've got to do something first." she said.

Alice eyed her skeptically but did not pry. She dutifully nodded and replied, "Okay," drawling out the 'a' "Hurry up though. You'll miss all the food." With that, Alice turned around on the balls of her feet and ran-walked to the Great Hall. Lily faced the shadows and started to approach the figure awaiting. What would happen? Was he going to end it? Just like that, after everything they've been through? Okay, now this is starting to sound like one of those pathetic breaks up movies.

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