Chapter Fourteen- Silver and Gold

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Disclaimer: I still don't own anyone...

Chapter Fourteen-Silver and Gold

It was a very cold morning, deep into winter. It was also January 30, 1975. It was also smack in the middle of the week, Wednesday. This morning was also James, Lily, Severus, Alice, and everyone in their year, fourth year of Hogwarts. It was also the morning that Lily Evans become one year older, one year wiser, one year more mature than yesterday. This cold winter morning that was deep into winter known as January 30, 1975, was Lily's birthday.

Said birthday girl was currently up before anyone would ever want to and was gawking at a mirror. She cocked her head, she didn't look anymore different then yesterday, that was for sure. Staring back at her was the same vivid red hair that could be easily spotted anywhere. The same splatter of freckles on the same delicate nose that was there yesterday. The same striking green eyes that shined bright as the jewel they are often compared to.

But, was it possible that she got taller? Lily looked at the desk next to her that used to come up to her ribs. Now though, it came up to belly button. Excited, Lily scanned the mirror hungrily for anymore changes. Even with the height change, Lily was certainly not tall. There were first year girls that were taller than her. She shifted so that the left side of her hip touched the mirror and examined more.

She lifted her shirt up a little and poked at her stomach. By all means she was never fat, but the small layer of skin that protruded a little, was gone. Instead her abdomen was as even as a book's surface. Smiling slightly she glanced upward and looked at what laid above her ribcage. Was her chest bigger, or was it just her imagination? Now that she thought about it, the bra she wore currently did seem tighter than a week ago. Lily smiled brighter, she was finally maturing!

Lily happily tore her eyes away from the mirror and walked over to Alice. "Alice," she whispered.

"Mpft," Was all Alice gave in return.

"Alice," she said slightly loudly.

She made the same sound again and turned over.

Lily sighed and climbed over to where her head was. "Alice!" She said almost at talking level.

With that, Alice's head shot up quickly with her eyes blazing with emotion. "What!" She yelled. Uh-oh, she better duck before - Wham! Lily's face was hit with a pillow as so was Alice's. The other girls of the dormitory threw pillows at them. She dived down and tried to shield herself from the blows. Alice was groaning and muttering curses until the blows ended.

The girls who had thrown the pillows all clambered back to their beds and continued sleeping. They always did that when someone woke them up at unreasonable times such as this. 6:30 was early when your classes did not start until 8:30. Alice glared at Lily.

She said, "You better have an excellent reason for why I was woken up at an ungodly hour and pelted by pillows by the uptight squad!" Another pillow was thrown at Alice for the insult.

Lily smiled with much mirth, "Actually," she said, "I have two. One, it's my birthday. Two, I think I need new bras."

Alice was now fully awake and responded, "Happy birthday! And, let's go to the bathroom."

Five minutes later they walked out, Alice said, "Congratulations, Lil. You have now been promoted from a size A, to B." Lily laughed as Alice mock cheered.

She shoved her not very hard and said, "You're such an idiot sometimes, Alice."

Alice grinned toothily, "But, you love me for it! Now, come on. Let's go collect your presents from the people that you've met and loved at this fine educational facility and, have a hell of a time doing so!"

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