Chapter Sixteen- Mudblood

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Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all characters that are mentioned in Harry Potter, that are mentioned in here, do not belong to me. They all belong to Rowling. Cool with you guys?

Chapter Sixteen: Mudblood

Lily was sleeping fitfully. Tossing and turning, kicking the sheets in strange directions, her hair becoming a giant mess-the works. No matter what she did, or position she made, she couldn't seem to get comfortable. It was as if the bed had suddenly become rocks that poked its jagged points into Lily's back. She slammed a pillow over her head and willed herself to sleep.

Memories of the afternoons events plagued her mind.

"I don't need help,"

"Filthy little mudbloods"

"Like her,"



"Filthy mudblood, like her,"


"Lily?" A voice queries near her. Lily rolled over, away from the noise and stuffed the pillow farther on her face.

"Lily," The voice said more persistent. "I know you're awake."

Lily groaned miserably, she removed the pillow from her face and sat upright. "What?" She snapped.

It was Marlene, a fellow Gryffindor that Lily was good friends with. Her blond hair was glowing silver in the moonlight and her pretty face was pinched in annoyance. However, it wasn't directed at her, it was something else.

"Your weirdo friend is outside the Fat Lady's painting."

"He's not my friend anymore."

"He doesn't seem to realize that."

"Too bad, tell him I don't want to seem him anymore."

"I did,"

"You did?"

"Yes, Lily, I know exactly why you didn't want to see him so I told him that exactly."

"What did he say?"

" 'Too bad',"

"Well, I'm not going to see him, no matter what."

"I told him that too,"

"You did,"

"Yes, Lily, I did."

"And he didn't leave?"

"He's still there."




"He seems to really want you to come out to talk."

"Well, I really don't want to."

"I know you don't, but I think you should."


"Because he threatened to sleep out there."


"Yeah, he had pillows and comforters too."


"Damn indeed."

"Fine," Lily sighed and got out of bed.

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