Chapter Thirty-One- Tackling Those Rapidly Beating Hearts

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Disclaimer: “Noses!” Oh, would you look at that. Rowling claimed it first.

Before we start the show, I’d like to say, wow. The reads on this story have long passed my expectations. I guessed like a hundred maybe more. Now thousands. Holy Hardcovers.

 GUYS! Do me a favor. This song I really like for Jily! You need to look it up! It has no video so you'll have to listen to it. My dad and found on CSI radio, and it literally blew my mind. It's called Voyager by Darren Flowers. It is so good and I love it and I want you all to love it! You can check it out with this link:

Chapter Thirty-One: Tackling Those Rapidly Beating Hearts

“Okay…How about first kiss? Mine was this sleazy kid named Mike when I was ten. James, your turn.”

James shifted on the ground into a more comfortable position. They were in the Gryffindor common room; it was well after midnight so there was no one else but the seventh year Gryffindors. Lily’s head was on his shoulder as she looked at him curiously. Sirius was sneaking sly glances at Marlene with his eyebrows knit in confusion, like he was trying to remember something. Frank was munching on the chocolate Remus had brought and Peter’s eyes were darting about, assessing every one. Some of the other Gryffindor girls lazed about, waiting the answer. All of them were in an organized circle which Lily took five minutes to make. Alice, who had been the one to talk, raised her eyebrow and looked pointedly at him, her brown eyes dancing in the light of the fire. It had been Lily’s idea some way of getting to know each other better or something like that. Apparently, as Head Girl and Boy James and Lily’s responsibility to bond with everyone, and organize events such as this.

Frowning, James scratched the back of his neck, “You mean real first kiss? Or first kiss in general?”

“What do you mean by a ‘real’ first kiss?” Alice asked.

James shrugged sending Lily’s head awkwardly up. “I mean one that you wanted to kiss, or one that had no meaning.”

Alice cocked her head, “Both,” she said.

James exchanged questioning looks with the other marauders, when he received with what looked like agreement, he continued. “Well, the first kiss, not that it meant anything, was Sirius.”

Frank choked on chocolate, Lily’s head jolted from his shoulder in surprise, and Sirius grinned. The other Gryffindors just sat open-mouthed. Remus and Peter simply chuckled with knowing.

Alice said, “Really, I knew you guys were close but…that’s a bit unexpected.”

“Sirius, Peter, Remus, and I had discovered my father’s beer chamber when we were twelve.” James said. “We thought it was grand idea to drink the lot and practice our kissing skills so that, when we finally kissed a girl, we’d be ready.”

“You mean by ‘we,' you mean that you lot had finally kissed a girl.” Sirius interrupted. “I was the mentor.”

“Oh,” Marlene said. “Already kissed someone before the first chest hair, huh?”

He grinned proudly, “Five years old, Susie Blakely. Muggle. My parents went mad.”

Alice shrugged, “Cool, you guys experimented. I’ve always wanted to but Lily wouldn’t, the prude.” Frank coughed awkwardly and Lily sighed like she had this conversation already.

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