Chapter Forty-Two- The World Seemed to Burn

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Disclaimer: No claim

PS: Hamilton song loosely based on this chapter, no cheating I swearsies 

Chapter Forty-Two: The World Seemed to Burn

"Tilt it more to the left!"

"Ugh! This good enough?"

"No lefter!"

"That's not a word!"

"Merlin's beard, just lift it more to the left!"

"Why don't you tilt your brain more to the left? It seems a bit off!"

"OKAY! You wanna go? Carry this f*cking couch by yourself then!"

First a gasp followed by a stumble, then an "AGH!" and finally a crash of almost human against floor echoed through the staircase.

Two pairs of feet thudded the stairs from the top until it reached the bottom.

"What the hell is going on?" Lily shouted paint smeared on her cheeks and elbows. James, whose glasses were now stained in places with the color of a creamy eggshell, was restraining a giggle for the sake of the cross redhead beside him.

"He started it!" Both boys said, one more snottily while the other said it rather painfully, as there was couch on top of him.

Lily narrowed her eyes. "Sirius get the couch off of Remus, now."

The black-haired boy sighed, rolled the sleeves of his flannel, and bent down, gripping the bottom of the couch. His muscles twitched and sweat gathered on his forehead. With Remus' pushing, Sirius managed to get the couch off of him. They were both breathing heavily and Sirius offered his hand.

"Sorry, I uh, kinda let the heat get to me."

Remus smiled. Grasping Sirius' hand he said, "No problems, snuffles."

Catching him off guard, Remus used Sirius' own strength against him, and yanked the boy down. With an oof, Sirius landed on his stomach and looked up glaring to see Remus dusting his hands.

"Bygones be bygones right?"

Sirius groaned and lifted himself up. "Okay I deserved that. But none of this would have happened if you didn't tilt left more."

Remus rolled his amber eyes. "Oh here we go again. Sirius Black, how many times did I tell you that there was no more left to tilt it so!"

The shorter one scowled and gesticulated towards the corner of the staircase. "There so was! You had like this much room left!"

"Oh right, so the amount of room I had after that night I met that blonde, at the pub, in my-"

Lily interrupted, "Please don't finish that sentence."

Remus turned sheepish. "Err, sorry Lily."

Sirius opened his mouth to retort but was cut off before he could start.

"What I want to know, is why you both insisted on brining in a two hundred-twenty-six kilo couch up the stairs, when there's an elevator?"

Remus gaped. "There's an elevator? Are you bloody kidding me!?"

Sirius frowned and waved his hand. "I don't see how a-what did you call it-'elevator' could do help us bring up the couch up the stairs nor do I know what it is."

Remus face palmed himself and groaned.

Lily chuckled. "Actually Sirius the elevator can help you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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