16~ Hate

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"Fine. I'll join you." You scoffed. You would join them. Your soul was drawn from your chest, where you saw that half of it was covered in hate. All the better to help, it seemed. At this point, your emotions had practically disappeared, leaving you an empty ghost with nothing but your own hate to guide you.

"And this is Bête, she'll be working with you." Killer said, pointing his knife at a brown haired girl with the tips dyed pink. She wore a pink and purple sweater, a pink skirt, purple tights, and brown boots. Her eyes were dark pink, glowing menacingly. She nodded at you, acknowledging your presence. 

You and Bête made a decent team, her being a soul of pure fear, yours being half corrupted. The two of you were sent to the void to kill Geno, as he was the next threat. Or, at least as you were told. 

You landed in the save screen, summoning your dark blue attack while Bête summoned her scythe. The two of you walked silently in the save screen, watching and trying to find Geno. You saw a portal open and a skeleton in white jump through. You pointed towards it and Bête nodded. The two of you ran at the portal but couldn't reach it before it closed. 


"We...couldn't reach him. Wait! Before you try to kill us, he escaped! He shouldn't have been able to!" You said hurriedly to Nightmare. He scoffed and walked away, mumbling something about how he must have either underestimated Geno or overestimated you. Bête was sent back to her universe, where she was later killed by Gaster.

All the people that you saw, you could never understand. How could they be so happy? The end was coming, didn't they know they were friends with an assassin working for the supposed bad guys? Sometimes you wondered what Frisk was talking about when he mentioned the "other side" all those years ago. What did it mean to reach the other side? Was it a good thing? Was it happy there, or would there still be people trying to kill you? 

What about the hate? Someone would notice eventually, right? Should you tell them? Or leave it be and try to ignore it? You wondered what they would say if they found out you were half corrupted. You decided to ignore it. Maybe if you made yourself believe it wasn't there, then it would go away.


So in case you're wondering, the next chapter is going to be called Confessions, so you should probably know what's happening next

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