18~ It's Us (end)

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You burst into the castle room where Dream was supposedly fighting for his life, weapons at the ready. Sam stayed behind the door, trying to make eye contact with Nightmare. He looked over at them, teal eye glowing. Sam smiled before they gained tentacles on their back like Nightmare's. They used their newfound tentacles to attack and help you, Cross, and Chara. 

You had Nightmare cornered, but if you killed him, the negativity he held in his soul would bleed into the rest of the world. Yet, you had no choice. This would most likely break the world further, but you had no choice. You took a deep sigh and plunged your dagger into his chest, where his artificial soul would be. 

His dust spread on the floor as you walked away. And all this started with an insane skeleton constantly rebuilding his world to satisfy his insane desire to make it perfect. This whole disaster started with XTale, and ended with XTale. The two royal guards, Cross and Y/n, the fugitive with purple hair, and Y/n's boyfriend, Chara. 


"What's keeping this world from disappearing entirely?" Chara asked. 

"It's us. We're the most determined people here. The world is in our hands now." You replied. You were in control, that meant no more overwriting, no more resetting. This was the REAL ending you had hoped for. You could finally be happy in this world. 

Nothing could change this ending. It was set in stone. You could finally be free. It was the end, time to leave the world be on its own. It was self-sustaining now, you were the only threat to the world. So you'd leave it be. 

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now