5~ Internal Struggle

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Hell yeah! .5 is out in 4 days, I want to get all of the XTale part of this story done within a week of .5's release so I can start the Underverse part! 


You couldn't control your body, it was moving on its own. Fog took over your mind, you couldn't think. It wouldn't mean a thing if you told anyone how you felt, because no one could hear you. Maybe it was a dream, maybe nothing was real. Only for small periods of seconds could you  move on your own and think clearly. Overwrite's power wasn't working well on you. You were too determined. 

*XGaster tries desperately to take control of you

*But it refused.

*But you refused!

No. It wouldn't go down like this. You refused to fall under XGaster's control. You opened your eyes, slowly getting up. Your chest was sore, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. What mattered was that you were alive, and the first one to break free of XGaster's control on your own. If you made another move, if you took another step, you'd throw away the life you knew and it would all fade to white. You took that step. You took your chance. You used the last attack you had the energy to use. 

"What stupidity...your hopes and dreams do not work in my reality." Alphys said. She stood there, holding her hand out, signaling 7 amalgamates to attack. You didn't even know Alphys was there. She had a key difference, her glasses shone so bright you could only see one of her eyes, said eye matching XGaster's. 

"Chara, Y/n! Run!" Undyne screamed as she tried to fend off the amalgamates. Chara stood there, frozen in fear. You grabbed his hand and ran. But you weren't fast enough. XGaster caught up to you and took Chara, holding him up and using one of his purple spikes to inject his magic into Chara's bright red soul. He screamed, the sound of it making your soul ache. 

And yet, out of all of the humans involved, Chara was the stronger one.

XGaster looked up, holding Chara's lifeless body up by the blood-stained white jacket. His eyes now shone, one purple, one red. It mimicked his soul, half purple, half red. All for his sick desire to live forever. He could have killed Chara, but you doubted he even cared.

Just as XGaster had thought, resetting was nothing to be proud of. It was boring, nothing compared to his overwrite power. He forced Chara to kill you and Frisk over and over. Every time Chara killed you, you could see the hurt in his eyes. You and Frisk refused to defend yourselves. You just went along with it, now knowing that fighting back would be useless. 

XGaster thought he felt himself cry, he looked over at Chara, realizing that they now even shared feelings. Chara was holding your lifeless and cold hand, weeping. 

"I want them back..." He said quietly. 

"Is that so? Chara, they're both irrelevant for this world. If you want a new romantic partner and a new brother, we can make them." XGaster said. He didn't want you and Frisk back in the world. He wanted the both of you to remain dead. 

"No...I don't want new humans. I want them back. YOU do too. OUR soul isn't satisfied and you know that." Chara replied defiantly. 

Perfect souls should have graceful vessels as well, so a new human was created. Chara's mind with Frisk's body. He simply decided to bring back Y/n, though he knew they wouldn't be much held in this universe. He knew Chara and Frisk would be devastated if they didn't get them back...

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now