7~ Escaped Royal Guard

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Anyways my friend dared me to list every Undertale fanfiction I've ever read...it was a very long list...

.5 is out in 3 days, 3 days for me to hopefully get to the Underverse part of the story


You did it, you finally made him scared of his creations. XGaster was scared for the first time in his life, exactly what you wanted. You wanted consequences for everything he did to you in the past. His entire plan was to give Ink half his soul and let Frisk do what he wanted. Everything else would later fall into place. But you were the variable, no one knew what you would do, what your moves were. Nearly no one was even aware you had magic at all. 

You knew XGaster was getting weaker. You could see the tired look in his eyes, his purple eye getting dimmer as the days passed. You started getting used to Chara not being there, though not a day passed that you didn't think of him. Frisk knew you loved Chara, but he didn't say anything about it. He didn't want to say something that might upset you. In fact, he'd been aware of your feelings for his brother since before you realized yourself. He was good at reading people like that. 

That was also how he knew XGaster was weaker than before. He knew something would have to happen to set his plan for you to escape into motion. Frisk knew the timeline was unstable, and he knew Chara wanted you to escape, though his brother couldn't be any help in the situation considering he was a ghost that only Frisk could see and hear. You were still a royal guard, still ready to protect the royal family, though Frisk wasn't a part of it in this timeline. 


"What's going to happen next?"

"I don't know. What is going to happen next, you two?" XGaster asked. You and Frisk visibly recoiled. Papyrus was there, so you tried to be strong and act like the royal guard you were, but you knew you were scared. 

"Everything was going so well until you ruined it with your melodramatic attitudes." He added. Unseen to everyone else, Frisk grabbed your hand. Your hand felt oddly warm, you looked at Frisk. He refused to look back at you. You tried to summon your magic and instead found a yellow button in front of you. You could reset. Frisk had transferred some of his determination to you so you could reset. Frisk summoned his Overwrite power, him now being the only one able to use it. 

You reset at the same time Frisk overwrote the timeline. It went too far, leaving you in the Underground again. You were kids again. 

Yeah no sorry I can't write all of timeline X so we're skipping to the end. BRUH I READ THE ENTIRE COMIC AND WATCHED THE ANIMATION AND I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON SO SORRY IF I'M WRONG~

Today was the final test. You had to pass this and fight Undyne to be allowed in the royal guard. You were terrified, in all honesty. You'd seen what everyone else had to do, they were all terribly hurt and only the boss monsters even had a chance. Everyone else either dusted or passed out. You would either get in the royal guard or you would die trying. You didn't need to do this, but to quit now would be a disgrace to Chara's memory, considering you joined so you could protect him. 

It was your turn. At this point, it was night. You walked into the cold, pouring rain, trying your best not to let your fears overtake you. Undyne stood on the other end of the arena, with possible thousands of glowing spears summoned. First, you tried a dark blue attack, it would be impossible for her to dodge. You felt a spear graze your arm and whimpered in pain as blood dripped down to your hand. Those spears were sharper than you'd thought. They were made to kill, after all. You wouldn't be leaving this battlefield until you either won or passed out. 

With a white flash, Undyne fell to the ground. You won. Frisk pulled you out of the arena, looking worried. He pulled you under an awning so you wouldn't be rained on anymore, overwrote some bandages into existence, and started bandaging you wherever you were bleeding. You shivered as the rain intensified. Frisk noticed and gave you his faded purple scarf. 

"Look, I don't have much time to explain. You know this timeline's unstable. I'm getting you out of here." He said, opening a light purple portal to a night sky. You hugged him tightly. Not as a partner, but as a friend. He cared about you as his friend.

"I'll miss you." You said quietly, more saying it to both Frisk and Chara. 

"Don't worry, we'll meet again. I'll see you on the other side." He replied. You let go of him and jumped through the portal. It closed immediately after, leaving you in an entirely new environment. The adrenaline wore off and the gravity of the situation finally hit. You couldn't go back to XTale, you didn't know how. Your wounds ached as you looked up at the sky, as well as your soul. 

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now