3~ Can't Fight Back

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*screeches* I'm gonna get this released before .5 releases in 6 days! Damnit I'm scared my best boy is gonna die again


 The next timeline was nearly the same. Chara was hesitant though, having seen what happened in the last timeline. 

"Not again." He said, though those words weren't accepted in this universe. In XGaster's universe, no one else had control. Only he was the one who could reset the universe. This timeline was just like the last, with an exception. He decided to kill some monsters. You watched, tears heavily flowing down your face as Sans turned to dust. 

Killing the characters did nothing. All it did to affect the world was hurt everyone close to the monsters who died. This only proved how twisted XGaster was and still is. He never wanted the best for the humans, only to satisfy his own need for a perfect universe. 

You walked slowly down the sidewalk, trying to ignore the growing static in your mind. So he was really gone. The rain beat down on your head as you walked, as you had forgotten an umbrella. Someone ran up behind you and the rain around stopped and was slightly muffled. You turned around and saw Chara holding an umbrella over your head, smiling shyly. You smiled back, whispering a quick thanks. After a while of walking, you forgot where you were even going. Every once in a while, you looked over at Chara, who was pointedly not looking at you to hide his blush. 

"Where are we even going?" You asked. Chara snapped out of his trance-like state and hummed in confusion.

"Uh...I'm not sure actually. Let's go home, we'll get sick if we stay in the rain for too long." He replied, walking back in the other direction with you. It was nice walking with him in the rain. This temporarily made you let go of the static in your mind after losing Sans. Though Chara still refused to look at you, you felt someone hold onto your hand. You looked down at your hand and saw Chara holding onto it. 

"Uhh...Chara?" You asked. He looked at you in response. You pointed down at your other hand. He blushed heavily before letting go of your hand with a quick sorry. 


The next timeline only lasted for three days. It was like a universe you had visited in the past, where characters were swapped. But, soon after, it was erased. Now it was timeline 4. It lasted for years. No one talked about XGaster, everyone who remembered the past timelines ironically wanted to forget. 

That day, the house was oddly silent. You were watching movies with Chara, so Frisk went to get some food. He left, but never came back. After a while, you and Chara decided to go look for him. There was dust in the streets, as if someone had overwritten a pacifist ending to kill. 

"My clients...my bakery..." Said a small voice next to you. Muffet was weeping as she mumbled to herself about how Frisk destroyed everything. Frisk?

The building she was standing under collapsed, bringing you down with it. Your leg was stuck under a piece of rubble. 

"Muffet! Y/n!" Chara screamed. That was the last thing you heard before losing consciousness.

You woke up at your house, just like before. Was it a reset? Or was the timeline overwritten again? 

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now