14~ The Ending We Deserve

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With that, XGaster turned to dust. The sound of battle died down as the overwritten inhabitants of XTale turned to dust as well. The wounded were tended to. 

"So what now?" You asked Chara. He sighed.

"I don't know yet. All that matters is that it's not his world anymore." He said wistfully. 

And so the sun rose upon the new world, a world with the happy ending you deserved. Sam ended up living with Dream, since he seemed to like taking care of them as if they were his child. They were only an example of the monsters and humans coming together to enjoy the happy ending they fought for. 

This was it, the end you had hoped for. You and Chara lived together with the other survivors, enjoying your lives in this timeline. There were no more resets, no more overwriting timelines, no more death. Chara was determined as ever, determined to make humans and monsters live in harmony. 

*it seems this is the beginning of a new world. This new start fills you with DETERMINATION!


Hullo! Thank you for reading this story! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you're interested in my other stories, I'll be working on a huge project next! Be expecting the first chapter of that in about a week and a half!

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now