12~ Valiant Resistance

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The people fighting for control in their universe were so diverse. The rules of the universe had been long since broken, so more could fight. Geno, more determined than ever. Killer, ready to finally fight for good and the ending he deserved. And so many more. The war had been waged, it had been set in fate since XTale was created. Core Frisk (Core for simplicity) was there too. There were so many others you didn't even recognize. There was a Chara, though they were dressed like a Sans, with a green hoodie. There were more than just Sanses, now that you looked around more. There were a fair few Charas, some Asriels, a few Floweys, and a lot of versions of Frisk. One caught your eye, one wearing an oversized, plain black hoodie with purple hair, the tips slightly faded, and glasses. They seemed to be some sort of Frisk variant, but it was impossible to tell. In their hand was a small gear-like object with spikes on it, most likely their weapon. So many others couldn't even be described with words. This was the resistance that was fighting back against the control XGaster had over the multiverse. 

It was time to fight back. No more hiding. No more just biding your time and waiting for XGaster to give up on his own. This resistance was strong, and they were ready to fight for their happy ending. Your first job was to scout out XGaster and return to the place the resistance was fighting. Only one skeleton you recognized. Cross. He was supposed to be in the omega timeline, and yet here he was, talking happily with another skeleton wearing a yellow cape and a crown-type thing on his skull. He held a bow with light blue arrows seemingly made of pure light. He seemed to be very nervous. 

"Okay, Y/n, Sam, Dream. You three are going to XTale to find where he is." Geno said. Dream gathered his arrows, hugged Cross, and walked to where you were. Sam appeared to be the one with purple hair, as they walked towards you. Dream's positive aura seemed to put them at ease, though. You summoned your dark blue attack, Dream readied his arrows, and Sam changed their light green gear-type weapon to a glowing spear. Their soul seemed to be a special type, though now wasn't the time to ask them. Seeing as they were a variation of Frisk, they were a bit younger than you and Dream, probably somewhere in their early teens. 

Dream opened a portal and the three of you jumped through to XTale. Find XGaster, get Chara, save the multiverse. Simple, right? Okay maybe it wouldn't be that simple. Find XGaster, get Chara, join the war, fight, then save the multiverse. You watched from a cave as XGaster talked to the humans you knew oh so well. You couldn't save them yet, so you sighed and signaled Dream over. He nodded, but stayed where he was, as Sam was sleeping on the ground near where he was sitting and he was using his aura to make them sleep since they were visibly stressed and scared. 


"It's time." Geno said. Everyone gathered their weapons, magic, and various other items. It was time to fight for your freedom, for your friends, for everyone here. They were all here to fight for a united cause, so many diverse survivors of their universes being destroyed. The people here had been defeated again and again, their hopes and dreams faded away. But they had found solace in the dark, needing another chance. To stop fighting would be a way to perish. Their souls would find a way to see the world clearly again. Once the sun arose on the doodlesphere, the war would start. You were terrified. The night before the war was started seemed infinite. Once the day breaks, the fight starts. 

Everyone waited in the doodlesphere, biding their time until the day came. And with the light breaking into the darkness of night, the war had begun. 

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