4~ Standing Nearly Alone

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Hell yeah the end is gonna be emotional! I'm listening to sad music as I write this to get my mind in the mood for this cuz damnit I'm probably gonna make myself cry 


This next timeline was solely to punish you. Everyone except for Frisk and Chara hated everything about you for no reason whatsoever. 

You decided to train with Chara in secret, not letting XGaster know that two humans and the head of the royal guard were planning to fight back. Unknown to Chara, you had enlisted in the royal guard to protect him, as he technically qualified as a prince to the world. You knew he wouldn't want you to if you told him, so you didn't. You knew full well he cared about you, a lot. You cared about him too, hence why you joined the royal guard in the first place. You were powerful, you knew that. Your soul was [favorite color] and you had power to make bullet-hell type attacks. 

"You're getting better, Y/n! You'll make a perfect royal guard!" Undyne exclaimed, stopping the timer she was using to see how quickly you could destroy 28 dummies. 13 seconds. You nodded determinedly, forgetting Chara was standing next to you.

"You're joining the guard?" He asked, his voice seeming as if he had disconnected from reality, lost in his own mind. You nodded, ready for his reaction. 

"Good luck." He said simply. 


It was time. Time to fight XGaster. Not to kill him, simply for justice against the constant resetting of the world. You were determined as ever, ready to end this endless carousel of agony. You were justifiably terrified, but ready to make any sacrifice needed to live freely. You attacked with everything you had, but it wasn't even enough to keep you safe from harm. Chara jumped in the way and launched possible hundreds of glowing red knives at XGaster.

"Stay away from them!" He screamed, helping you back on your feet and continuing to fight. But even then, it wasn't enough. You felt something pierce your chest. You looked down and saw a purple spike impaling your chest. No. No no. No no no. Damnit. You didn't scream, you had no breath left. You fell to the ground as blood stained your shirt and dripped onto your locket. Chara rushed to your side, light purple tears flowing down his face. He was noticeably terrified, terrified to lose you. 

"No, no! Please don't...I-I love you! Please don't leave me!" He screamed, holding you in his arms as you felt yourself lose feeling in your body. You couldn't move, you couldn't breathe. Blood stained Chara's white jacket as he cried, trying to help you. Though he most likely knew it was too late. You felt the world go dark as a strange fog took over your brain. You couldn't think, could barely control your body. You close your eyes and fell into a strange sleep.


I'm sorry if I made you cry, it gets better soon. I can promise that. I've actually had this story planned out for a few months, so I can promise I know what I'm doing :3

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