8~ Don't Forget...

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Oh god .5 is out tomorrow. Like bruh I'm ready for this, I'm setting my alarm to play Overwrite to wake me up since it's premiering at 7:00am where I live


"So what now? It's not like I'm powerful enough to survive on my own out there." You mumbled to yourself, looking down at your bandaged arm. You looked up at the sky, keeping your distance from the rest of the world. You couldn't let them see you, it would cause a possible rift throughout the multiverse. You remembered the time you spent in XTale, and even before that. Floating around the Doodlesphere while Ink was gone, reading with Chara, training for the royal guard with Sans, all the time spent with Frisk. All the wasted time... 

You tried so hard not to think of XTale. It was terrifying, knowing for a fact Frisk was dead. Hell, everyone might be dead. No one even knew XTale existed, you were nothing but an outsider, and you HATED it. All you could do was watch from far off as everyone enjoyed their lives, not knowing someone was watching. In a way, it was like you were a part of their lives. You had grown to know everyone's personality and how they would act in any situation. 


Two figures stood facing each other, though there was quite a distance between them. One side was a plain white void, the only additions to it were blue wires holding souls. The other side was a light sunrise yellow with glowing white papers floating around aimlessly. The one in the white void was a skeleton with permanent blue tears falling from his red eye sockets and small glitches and error messages around his body. The second wore a mostly brown color palette and held a large paintbrush. A truce was made that day. No more creation, no more destruction. The universe could go on infinitely like this, if tensions didn't arise between the good and bad. Though this "good" and "bad" was simply a reason not to like someone, everyone was neutral.

You were, just like in XTale, the variable to this "game". No one knew if you were "good" or "bad". No one knew your next choice, what you would do next. Your existence was random and unpredictable. No one would have thought Ink would have a child. Maybe one day you would find your place in the infinite universe. Though now it was but finite, seeing as the truce had been made and there were no new universes. 

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now