9~ The Servant and the Royal Guard

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Oh god .5 came out today, I watched it and it was awesome 


Chara was now nothing but a servant to Nightmare, his only use being to cause chaos and negativity. He was, in Nightmare's words, "useless and pathetic". But now he was going to Outertale, he might be able to prove himself.

"Good kids can never change." Nightmare scoffed. Then, Chara realized something. He wasn't able to stop thinking of Y/n, that was limiting him. His love for them was holding him back. He tried so hard to forget, but just couldn't. 

"He was spared at first because you never wanted to hurt anyone, but soon you started loosing your mind trying to stop him." Nightmare continued. Nothing can change, good children never can really change. He was going to Outertale, maybe there he could finally accomplish his mission of remaking his universe, haphazardly stitching it together from other universes. 


Not even a day ago, you had felt a strange feeling in your soul. It was as if a part of your soul had disappeared without your knowing, you only realizing it was gone when it came back to you. Almost like an old friend you hadn't thought about in years. You summoned your soul and saw the red was shining brighter than ever before. Something about this made you want nothing more than to know why your soul was acting the way it was. You were sitting behind a wall, seeing nothing but the stars. You heard a harsh, cold voice, a quiet voice, and one you recognized. It was Chara. You looked around the wall and saw three figures. The one with the cold voice was a skeleton covered in what seemed to be black goop. The quiet one looked like Sans, but with mainly white shorts, a darker jacket, and pure hate dripping from his eyes. The last was, surprisingly, Chara. 

Chara was being held in place as Nightmare tried to force him to take a monster soul. He refused. Without a second thought on the matter, you used your determination to summon a sword and ran into the scene. You cut off the tentacle Nightmare was using to hold Chara. He fell to the ground, gasping for air. 

"Who the hell are you?" Nightmare asked, managing to intimidate you.

"Y/n. XTale, royal guard." You replied, trying to look unafraid. 


"If this is all a game, then I don't want to play with you." Error said, pulling the single wire that destroyed the multiverse. You stepped back in shock as pieces of the ripped apart alternate universes floated down around everyone.

"What a shame. In any case, we'll continue on our own." XGaster said, completely unemotional. He overwrote a new paintbrush for Ink into existence and threw it to him. Chara suddenly fell to the ground, the fragment of the soul he still had left vanishing completely. 

"All my efforts were for nothing...? But I'm supposed to never lose...It's not fair. IT'S NOT FAIR!" He screamed, sobbing. He glitched and disappeared, leaving only a locket. You held the pendant of your locket, trying not to cry in case another battle broke out. 

"Are you crying? Oh, Chara. I hope you use your determination wisely in this new timeline." XGaster said in reaction. Chara's soul was regenerated, shining a bright red once more. You summoned an attack, ready to fight back against XGaster. He overwrote you to sit silently on the ground as he recreated the people and monsters you had known your entire life. 

"And as for you, none of this was your fault. I know it's hard to persuade you, so I will let you decide on wether or not you will be joining us." He said to Cross. 

"We will be waiting for you, Cross."

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now