2~ I

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The next morning when you were on your way to school, Chara stopped you and said XGaster wanted to talk to him, Frisk, and you. Asriel went with too. You all walked to the same field you were dropped off in when you first came to XTale. But, the universe could be perfect. Nothing would stand in his way, especially since he had the power to Overwrite. To completely change a universe with the simple press of a button. 

You were nervous. You knew XGaster had the power to Overwrite, but you didn't want him to use it. Chara noticed how scared you were and smiled warmly. Truth be told, he was scared too. He took a deep breath before saying

"Here, my locket always calms me down. Maybe it can help you too." He took off his locket before putting it on you. You looked down at the heart shaped pendant and opened it. Inside was a small music box and a picture. The music box played a soft tune, whereas the picture was of you and him. You smiled before walking to the field where everyone was waiting. You, Frisk, and Chara stood behind XGaster as he talked.

"I'm very sorry. This world must be improved. I admit everything was beautiful, but it's time to say goodbye."

Asriel stood with you. "Chara, Frisk, my brothers. Y/n, my friend. Please don't be sad. We'll see each other again. We can play and laugh together just like we did in our childhood. You will be a hundred times happier than this. That's a promise, okay? Stay determined, for our freedom." He said. At the last moment, you want up and hugged him as he disappeared, leaving only a locket. You fell to the ground, weeping from seeing one of your closest friends die before your eyes. 

Chara and Frisk sat next to you, watching as the world around disappeared. You were all children again. It seemed XGaster could control your age, but not entirely. He could only revert you back to children. Why would he reset the world? It was such a nice timeline. XGaster was more than a perfectionist, as it seemed. He was insane, destroying a world you loved only for his own entertainment. Maybe freedom would be harder than you thought. 


I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with this chapter specifically! Blah I need to start with II

Not his world anymore~ XTale Chara x reader [book 1/2]Where stories live. Discover now