Part Sixteen:Operation Blackstorm Pt2

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(Grace's POV)
Hours passed. Y/N was still out on his mission and I couldn't sleep. Just something didn't feel right. Muffin laid with me, staring at the ceiling in Y/N's bed. I wonder what they're doing right now. They're probably on their way back.
(Third Person)
The four unconscious men were slowly drug downstream. Their blood staining the clear water as they floated. Masaru on the other hand had made it to the exfil and called in the exfil. He told the helicopter crew his fake story about what happened, sadly they believed him. As Y/N and his team flowed down the river an Afghani farmer and his son spotted them. Although a bit fearful, the two drug the four men out of the river. Scanning their wounds they realized without special attention they'd die. The two Afghanis decided to drag them to a nearby village doctor. It took hours of treatment but the four were all stable. Days passed before Y/N finally awoke. He got up and felt a searing hot pain in his shoulder. A man then walked over to him gesturing for him to lay back down and saying,"Lay down you need to rest." He spoke in Pashto."Who are you and where am I?" The confused operator asked in Pashto."Oh my name is Asfand. I found you and these men floating down a river nearby with bullet wounds. My son and I helped you guys here and had a doctor fix you up." Y/N laid back down and sighed."Wear is my gear?" The farmer pointed to a pile of gear in a corner but most of it was missing."I'm gonna stay here for a little while if that's okay with you sir." He said and the Pashto man smiled."Of course stay as long as you like."
Five Hour Time Skip
The others slowly began to wake up as well. After explaining what happened Y/N pulled up a small old TV the farmer had lent him. He was able to get to a news channel."From recent reports a Team Rainbow operation recently went sideways in Afghanistan. A simple reconnaissance mission turned south when the team of five men were ambushed. After intense fighting only one managed to get away. Due to anti air missiles on the ground search parties weren't able to make it into the area to search for the missing operators. They are presumed to be dead. That is all the information we have on that story, we will update on it as soon as we get more info." The four men sat in anger."Are we gonna go back? I really want to break that man's spine." Tachanka said cracking his knuckles."I wish we could head back but we don't know how many of them are working with the white masks. They don't know we're alive, they think we're dead. We're gonna use that to our advantage." The four men sat in silent anger."You know I'm tired of all of this. We devoted our whole lives to protect sheep as sheepdogs. We do this our whole lives only to be tossed aside like we're noting. They didn't even send a search party, not even a ground element. I'm tired of being a sheepdog, let's be wolves. We'll start our own group. Kill anyone that gets in our way. Even if that means Team Rainbow. They tossed us to the side, like we were nothing. Now we're gonna show them what a pack of wolves can do."
(Grace's POV)
As I laid in bed the intercom outside my door turned on."Will all operators report to the mess hall." Wonder what this is about. I slipped on some shoes then went to the mess hall. Six stood in front of the crown of operators with a grim expression. What's her problem?"I'm sorry to inform you all that four of the five operators I recently sent out on a recon mission were ambushed and killed. Masaru was the only one to make it to the EXFIL." What? No she must be joking. No he promised. He promised he'd come back. Not wanting to hear more I sprinted full speed back to my dorm. This can't be true. That asshole said he'd come back. Tears flowed down my face as I sobbed loudly. I laid on the floor crying, my body shaking. A knock on the door startled me."G-Go away." Why did he have to leave?"Grace it's me Ela. Open up." I got up and opened the door. Damn I probably look like a fucking mess. She pulled me into a tight hug, there in her chest I sobbed loudly.
(Author's Note)
Sorry for the short chapter but expect a longer one up next!

Rainbow Six Siege Operation Blackstorm [Male Reader x Doakkebi] Where stories live. Discover now