Part Seven:Some Fun

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(Third Person)
The rest of the night Y/N dreamed about Grace. When he awoke from his alarm he couldn't help but feel excited. It was about 5:30 PM so he decided to get in a quick workout. After that he showered and made some breakfast which consisted of bacon and waffles.
Grace woke up from the mouth watering smell and opened her bedroom door."You know we can just go get breakfast right?" Y/N laughed a little as he flipped the bacon in the pan."Well maybe I just felt like making some nice food for the both of us." This surprised her a little."Oh well thanks." She took a seat on her couch with Muffin who was still a bit tired. The woman watched her teammate in the kitchen cook. Seeing his back in the kitchen kind of reminded her of Chul, except Y/N was much taller. After a little while of waiting he came back with some waffles, bacon and orange juice for her."Thanks." He smiles watching the hungry lady dig into the food he had made for her."Damn these are good. Did you make these waffles from scratch?" She asked slurping some orange juice before munching down on some bacon."Ya and I'm glad you like them. Now what time do we plan on heading out?" He asked setting down a plate of food next to her where he began eating."I mean we could head out once we finish eating but I just need to shower." He nodded and continued eating while making small talk with the woman next to him. Once done eating Y/N cleaned up while Grace went and showered. She stepped out in some short shorts and a hoodie,"You ready?" He asked putting on jacket."Sure let's go get Ela."
The two walked down the hall to Ela's room where they knocked. It took awhile but she opened the door but looked like hell."Hey guys I'm feeling kinda sick." Grace smiles before saying,"That's okay we can just go another day when you feel better." A thought then popped into Ela's head."Why don't you two just go? It'd suck not going just cause I'm sick, just go without me." Y/N shrugged."Sure, still sounds like fun plus I know a good beach we could hit." So many thoughts were running through her head. Was this a date? No, she thought. He just wants to be her friend she reassured herself."Alright I guess we'll get going." The two friends walked outside the base to the parking lot."No they fucking didn't." The male Rainbow operative sped walked towards a custom 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 429."They sent my damn car here too." He pulled a note from the windshield wiper that read,"Keys are in the tailpipe". Y/N walked to the rear of the vehicle and pulled the keys out from the tailpipe."This is yours?" Grace asked a little surprised."Ya my brother and I worked on it for about three years." As he said so he walked to the passenger side door and opened it for her."You seem more like a truck person." He chuckled as he entered into the driver seat."Na I like vintage cars more. Now before we go who's playing music, me or you?" He said holding up an AUX cord."I guess I'll play the music." They soon found out they both had the same taste in music. They both laughed and jammed out to songs the whole drive to Ladye Bay."Wow it's really pretty here I mean it would be better if it wasn't cloudy all the time but it's still beautiful." Grace said getting out of the car."Ya it really is now help out with the stuff lazy." She punched his shoulder then helped him out. They laid out towels on a cliff side that stood a good thirty feet above the water.
I pulled out a Bluetooth speaker from my backpack that I had brought which also contained my Glock. Looking over at Grace I noticed her starting to pull off her hoodie revealing a black bikini. After that she dropped her shorts showing off matching bottoms. My face heated up a bit but I calmed myself. I'll admit she's cute and nice but I doubt she's looking for someone. Well it's about time I get in the water. I took off my shoes and shirt before looking below at the water. This'll be fun.
(Grace's POV)
I watched as Y/N took off his shirt. He has a nice body I'll have to admit, hold on stop being a perv. Before I knew it he got up and jumped off the cliff and into the water shocking me. I quickly looked over seeing nothing worrying me a bit. Eventually his head popped up from the water."You should come in the water feels nice!" He yelled up at me. I took off my beanie and glasses before taking a deep breath and jumping. The water felt warm as I swam around looking for Y/N. A splash of water hit the back of my head so I turned around seeing him sitting on some small rocks. I swam over to him and sat down."Isn't it nice?" He asked with a smile."You know you're not as bad as I thought you'd be." I said laughing a little."What's that suppose to mean?" He questioned laughing with me."I just expected you to be one of those silent types. We already have a Delta Force operator who always acts "professional" and never does anything but you, you're a big goof." Before I knew it he pushed me in the water."Hey that's mean!" I said pouting before he jumped in splashing me. We messed around for another hour before it began to rain."Shit it's raining!" Y/N said laughing a little."Oh crap my phone!" Of course I left it out."It's fine I put all our things in my bag and it's waterproof." Well that's a relief. We quickly hurried to the cliff and grabbed our stuff using his jacket as cover from the rain. Once back to his car we looked at each other and laughed."We should hangout more, this was fun." He said panting."Ya that was pretty fun." I pulled out my shirt that was soaked along with my shorts."Here use my jacket to cover up." He handed me his jacket which I gladly took. It felt warm and smelled just like him. Wait hold on stop being so damn weird."Oh crap now your seats are gonna be all wet." I sighed knowing he's probably gonna be mad."That's okay I'll just dry them off once we get to the parking complex so don't worry about it." Damn it he's to nice. I plug my phone into the AUX and begin playing music as we drive back to base. Once there we noticed that almost all the lights were off. As we got in and out of the cold rain it was freezing cold and pitch black."Looks like the power went out." I said looking up at Y/N who grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight."Well that's weird, no one's here." I said looking around."They all must've gone out on a mission. It must be a bad one if they all went out." We finally made it to our dorm which was also freezing."Here dry off you wet rat." He tossed me a towel which I used to dry my hair first.
Y/N dried off and put a shirt on before saying,"I'm gonna go to Six's office and ask her what's up. I'll be back in a few." I nodded and went to dry myself off in my room.
I left the dorm and made my way down the cold, dark hallways to Six's office. Once I opened the door a scent of coffee hit me."Sorry for interrupting but Dokkaebi and I were just wondering what's up with the power." She sat her coffee mug down and said,"Winds knocked down one of the power lines so it's gonna be a few hours before it turns back on. Also I don't recommend using the showers, since the power went out the water supply cut off so there's only about five minutes of water for the showers." Well that sucks I'll just let Grace shower I can wait."Roger that mam also where did everyone go?" I asked crossing my arms."They've all been sent out to do a training exercise. Ela advised me not to bring back you and Dokkaebi since you were out on a date, is that true." That damn Ela. I could feel my face heat up but I quickly said,"Oh no it wasn't a date w-we were just hanging out, we're just friends mam." Six cracked a smile before saying,"Sure Mr. L/N. Well have a nice rest of your day I need to sort out a few things." With that I left and headed back to the dorm. Grace was cradling Muffin as I walked in."Six said a power line went down and the power will come back on in a few hours." Those two are such cuties."What about everyone else?" She asked me whilst yawning."They're all out on some training exercise." She tilted her head a little confused."Then why didn't they call us back?" My face heated up a little knowing why."Oh uhm I guess Ela told Six that we were hanging out outside of base so she dismissed us." She laughed making Muffin flinch a little."Well that's nice." The shower water then popped into my head."Oh yeah and since the power is out we only have about five minutes of shower water so I thought you could take it since I'm nice." Grace rolled her eyes and set down the sleepy kitten."No you're gonna take the shower I got your seat all wet so you deserve it." So she wants to play this game huh?"No well I thought I could make things up to you after making us go to the beach and get soaked then having to wait in the freezing cold. So how about you take the shower, please?" I said with puppy eyes and she gave in just as I planned."Ugh fine but I'm gonna pay you back for getting those seats all wet and dirty." She's not gonna drop that is she?"Don't worry about it now go take your shower." Once she went to the bathroom I grabbed a towel and dried myself off and got out of my swim trunks and into some sweats and a sweater. Feeling a bit tired I picked up Muffin and laid on the couch. After waiting a good four minutes she came out in one of my hoodies and some sweats."Hey isn't that my hoodie?" I asked as she sat next to me on the couch."Ya I stole it because none of mine are clean. Plus yours are warm and it's freezing in here." Well she does look cute in it considering it's so big on her."Alright but you better give it back." I said handing her Muffin."Hey Y/N could you maybe light a candle in here it's kinda dark. Also could you bring us a blanket?" First I lit a candle before grabbing my warm fuzzy blanket and placing it on the two."Come sit down, we don't bite." She said removing her glasses placing them on the table next to the couch. I sat next to her under the blanket now feeling warm yet awkward. Making things worse she rested her head on my shoulder."This is nice." Muffin quietly meowed which was pretty cute."Can we stay like this a little longer?" Why not I mean this does feel pretty nice."Sure but I gotta get some work done in a few." I said and she nodded before slowly closing her eyes. Feeling a bit drowsy myself I soon fell asleep leaning my head on Grace's. My dreams were of her and I. We were walking through a snowy trail. It sort of looked like it was back in Washington near my home. I've only known Grace for not that long yet it feels like I've known her for an eternity.

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