Part Thirteen:It's Okay

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(Third Person)
The few weeks they had together alone seemed to pass by quickly. Eventually Christmas rolled in along with heavy snow.
I woke up feeling kinda cold. Looking to my side Grace was snuggled into me. This is how I want to wake up every morning."Good morning babe." She said with a tired smile."Good morning Grace." Our lips connected before her eyes shot open."It's Christmas!" She squealed sounding like a little kid."Come on get up we have to open presents!" I was then dragged out of bed to her Christmas tree we had decorated. Under it laid a good ten presents, five of them for each of us."You go first." I said pointing to a box. She pulled it over to her before tearing of the wrapping paper. It was a crate which she opened. The contents inside were her favorite snacks, my favorite hoodie, and a new tablet. Grace sat there in shock."Well what do you think?" She was at a loss for words."W-Why'd you get me all this?" I laughed a little."Well because those are your favorite snacks, then I gave you my favorite hoodie so I don't have to worry about you stealing it later on. Then you complain a lot about your tablet so I got you a new one." She smiled. The mixture of her bed head and smile made her look extra cute. We hugged tightly."Thank you. You shouldn't have done all this." She pulled out the sweater hugging it."Well you deserve it. You've been by my side twenty four seven. You helped me through some shitty times too so I thought I could give you something back." I was then handed a present."I don't know if it'll match up with your present." Opening the small box I looked inside to see a watch. It was just the one I had been looking for. My last one had been broken due to an explosion."No I think it does. I've been looking for one of these for awhile. Oh what's this at the bottom." I pulled out a picture. It was of Grace and I when we had gone to the beach that one time. We were hugging. My heart melted."Y/N you're crying." I rubbed my cheek feeling a tear."Oh I guess I am. I just really love this present." More tears flowed down my cheeks. My past wife had done the same thing on Christmas. She had gotten a photo of us on our first date. The beautiful Korean woman sat next to me. We continued opening presents for a few more minutes before we finished."Thank you this is the best Christmas I've had in awhile." Grace leaned her head on my shoulder."Same here. I really love you Grace." The two of us shared a deep intimate kiss. Our lungs burned due to the lack of oxygen causing us to separate. We panted, staring into each other's eyes. At the worst moment my phone rang. The both of us sighed before I went to go pick it up."Hello?" "Hey it's Mike Baker. Was just wonderin how your little trip is goin with Grace. Did you hit it yet mate?" Jesus this old geezer."Was about to but you called." I could hear him laugh on the other end."Alright mate I'll call you later I need to talk to you about somethin." With that he hung up. I turned back to Grace who was still flushed red staring at me."What, do you wanna continue?" I asked making her blush more. Why is she so damn cute?"Well you're gonna have to wait till I'm in the mood again. I'm hungry right now."
(Grace's POV)
Whoever just called him I'm gonna murder them when we get back. I was so damn close."Well you're gonna have to wait till I'm in the mood again. I'm hungry right now." This bastard. He knows what he's doing. I don't know if I can wait any longer. Y/N walked to the kitchen opening the fridge. A warm tingly feeling built up in my lower area. This was a new feeling, I haven't felt this way in awhile. His back was to me. Come on Grace you can do this. This isn't your first time having sex quit acting nervous. I walked up behind him. Come on. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him."Yes Grace?" You can do it."I want t-to do it." Damn it I stuttered now I sound like an idiot."What is it you'd like to do Grace?" This damn idiot is making me say it."Please." He laughed and turned around.
(Third Person)
Y/N picked Grace up by her thighs and straddles her on him. They shared yet another deep intimate kiss. He walked over to the counter setting her on it where he attacked her neck with kisses. She couldn't think, her mind was completely blank. The man in front of her in the other hand had one thing on his mind. To make her feel as good as possible. Picking her back up he carried her to the bedroom. Wanting to start with some foreplay he pinned her up against a wall."Drop your shorts for me." His voice was different. It was deeper and gravelly. She hesitantly complied."He's seen me in a bikini what's the difference?" She thought calming herself a little. Once the shorts were off he slowly slipped two fingers down her panties."So wet already?" Loud moans echoed throughout the room. His fingers swirled around her clit stimulating it. She bit her lip trying to hold in her moans but couldn't handle it."P-Put them in." Grace pleaded panting heavily."As you wish my dear." His long slim fingers slowly slipped into her entrance. Her moans grew louder as his fingers moved in and out. A dirty idea popped into his head. He curled his finger as he moved them rubbing up against her G spot. At this point she was screaming his name in pure ecstasy. Slowly she felt a warm sensation build up."Cumming I'm cumming!" With a loud moan she released on his fingers. Her legs wobbled threatening to collapse under her before he picked her up. After placing her gently on the bed Y/N undressed himself down to his boxers. Looking up at him, Grace turned a darker red. Wanting to see more he pulled off her hoodie revealing a black bra that matched her panties. A small smirk made its way to his lips. The two both removed their underwear. The Korean woman stared at her boyfriend's length. It was long and it seemed to throb. Y/N looked at the beauty that laid before him. No clothing, hair disheveled, and a blushing mess. Slowly he leaned forward and lined up his lower member to her entrance."Are you sure you wanna do this?" He questioned looking into her eyes. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She simply nodded. With care he slowly pushed in earning a whimper from Grace. A look of discomfort was plastered on her face once he was all the way in."Are you okay? Do you want me to pull out?" After taking a few deep breaths she said,"It's okay, keep going." So he did. Y/N began thrusting in a rhythmic pace. Grace's nails raked down his back leaving red lines. Her hips moved along with his. The pain she had felt before soon dissipated and turned into pleasure. Every thrust felt like heaven for the both of them. As their moans grew louder, their pleasure grew more intense. Grace didn't know if she could handle it anymore."G-Gonna cum!" She squealed, tears of pleasure rolling down her cheeks."Me to!" He said as he sped up the pace. They both moaned before an intense climax hit her. Y/N quickly pulled out and released on her stomach with a groan. He collapsed next to her."That was great." She went over and snuggled into his chest."Can we head back to s-sleep for a little?" The man nodded before dozing off to sleep.
(Author's Notes)
Oof this is my first lemon so sorry if it's bad. Also I will be continuing but like I said my schedule is kinda so see ya in the next chapter!

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