Part Two:A Bunch Of Unprofessionals

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As the plane landed I checked my seeing a message from Chris. He was thanking me for the gift and I responded with a thumbs up emoji. Once I exited the jet with my luggage I was greeted by my chief."Mr. L/N glad to have you back." We shook hands."Glad to be back sir. Is there something you need, you rarely come and greet me." Chief chuckled and raised his hands jokingly."You caught me. I need you  to run a small snatch and grab." This sounds like fun."Who am I grabbing?" I asked as we began to walk towards the barracks."I'll explain everything to you in the briefing room, I'm not allowed to say anything out here. Meet me there in twenty minutes." I nodded and went into the barrack to see nobody was in there. They must be doing some training exercises. After settling down and getting my stuff laid out I made my way to the briefing room.
"Lock the door behind you." Chief said as I entered. I looked around to only see John."Alright let's get this started. Recently there's been a car bombing in London. No one has claimed the attack yet but we have our suspicions. After reviewing camera footage from nearby businesses they were able to trace the car bomb back to a townhouse. The British SAS were sent out to raid it and in the process killed nine targets. The team collected some intel on the man who they believe have intel on the person who planned out the attack. Since we are nearby they've requested we grab him and bring him here. We have a few MI6 agents here waiting in the interrogation room. Now, we have intel on this man his name is Nicholai Antonov and he's currently on the move. You two along with a 160th SOAR pilot will fly in via MH-6 while he's driving and grab him from his car. Do you two have any questions?" John and I looked and each other and nodded no."Good now get yourselves ready you're leaving in fifteen minutes." The two of us rushed to our barracks and got in our kits. Not feeling like getting on my usual uniform and boots I stayed in my jeans, vans and button up.
We boarded the helicopter and went off onto our mission. I enjoyed the scenery as we flew. Only a few minutes into the flight did we near our objective."One click out. Be ready." The pilot said over the radio. I did a quick chamber check on my rifle and sidearm before we were flying directly above the car as it sped. The pilot flew further ahead of it and landed blocking it's path. Both me and John got off and pressed forward to the car. Our target tried going in reverse but I shot out the engine. John quickly pulled Nicholai out of the car and pinned him down on the ground. I zip tied his hands while my partner put a sack over the man's head. We pulled him up and into the helicopter before taking back off."Well that was quick." I said over the radio with a chuckle. It took only a few minutes before we had landed back at base. There my chief awaited me."Mr. Brown there seems to be some kind of commotion at the front gate. The MPs requested your help mind checking it out?" I sighed and shrugged."Sure. Take his ass to the interrogation room." With that I jogged over to the front gate to see the MPs arguing with two armed people. Cautiously I moved forward."Hey! What's goin on here?!" I yelled with a booming voice."These guys just rolled up to the front gate saying we took their target or guy they were tracking." I narrowed my eyes looking at the two women. One had a South Korea patch and the other had a Brazil patch."What do you want with our intel?" I questioned."I'd gladly discuss that but that's classified!" I looked at the Korean who had just yelled noticing she looked familiar."Are you guys from Team Rainbow?" The Korean nodded yes."Let them through." The MPs jaws dropped while the women smiled."Follow me." I ordered and they did so. As we walked I asked,"What do you want with Nicholai?" "Same reason you are I believe but we didn't know you guys were already heading out for him. Mind if we pay him a visit? We have a few questions for him." I smirked."Sure follow me." Once we entered the interrogation room we watched through the glass as an MI6 agent was slapping our target around."Hey by the way the name is Y/N." I shook both the woman's hands."Nice meeting you my name is Grace or Dokkaebi on the field." The Korean said while the Brazil operator only said,"Call me Caveira."
(Grace's POV)
We watched as the interrogation continued until Y/N stepped out as his phone began to ring. After a few minutes he came back in with a laptop and SAT phone. We watched as he removed his helmet and gas mask before stepping into the room. The man from before stepped out as Y/N now took over on the interrogation.
"How are you doin?" I asked sitting on the table in front of him. I watched his eyes avert behind me towards the gallons of water."You think I'm gonna water board you Nicholai? Water boarding is when we can't torture, this is Iraq, I can do whatever the fuck I want here." He sat there in silence."You're gonna answer every question I ask you without me harming a hair on your head, do you wanna know why?" I opened the laptop revealing drone footage of his house."Because if you don't, I'm gonna call in an air strike on your house. Nice pool by the way." I then pulled up security footage of the bombing in London on the laptop."Those men aren't from my organization. We have nothing to do with that. Your fight is with ISIS not me. All my fights are on water not land. We steal ships, that's it." I sighed and sat in the chair opposite of him and propped my feet up."It's kinda tricky, for you many nationalists to book an international flight these days. So if their passports were fake they'd fly straight to London, paying insurgent organizations to fly them over via plane but we know that wouldn't work out. Now the question is, how did they get to London because they sure as hell didn't fly. They traveled by ship. A ship you didn't try to steal which means someone payed you not to. So heres my only question Nicholai. Who paid you?" He sat there in a mixture of fear and shock. I sighed as he sat silent. I walked over to his side and switched the laptop back to the drone footage. I zoomed in on the live footage."Is that your brother? Because I don't wanna kill the pool guy." I watched as he nervously moved in his seat before saying,"Every ship smuggles people and they don't need my permission." I bent down so we were face to face."Yes they fucking do. Last chance." He nervously looked at me."This is a bluff. You're American you have to many rules." I sighed as I picked up the SAT phone and dialed in the number of the drone controller."No rules today sport just orders." The phone dialed and the controller picked up."Go ahead sir." The controller said."You're green." I said with a smirk."Roger that." I put down the phone and noticed Nicholai trying to look away from the laptop."Oh no no no no no you're gonna watch this." I grabbed his head and forced him to watch it. Within a few seconds his house was blown to bits by a Hellfire missile. Nicholai kicked and squirmed in his chair as he sobbed. I then switched to a different drone feed of a car driving down a road."You have a big family Nicholai. Lots of brothers who should've chosen a different line of work. I can do this all day, but sooner or later, I'll get the one brother you can't live without."
(Grace's POV)
After waiting a few minutes Y/N came back out."Let me guess, he didn't talk?" I said sighing as I read a book on my tablet."Nope he talked like you would not believe. You guys can stay here or follow me I'm gonna go talk to my boss." I looked at Taina(Caveira)and we both shrugged. The man interrogating Nicholai from before scratched his head."How'd you get him to talk?" The man asked and Y/N smiled, he was kinda cute."It wasn't that hard, you MI6 guys are just a bunch of unprofessionals." The man laughed as we walked away.

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