Part Ten:You're Perfect

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(Third Person)
After another day Y/N was allowed to return to his dorm with Grace but had to rest for the next week. The newly formed couple were rather close."Is there anything I could get you babe?" Grace asked leaning against the kitchen counter."Maybe just some coffee." She went and proceeded to make coffee as her boyfriend sat on the couch watching anime."Here you go cutie." After handing him the coffee she cuddled up next to him. To his disappointment she closed the laptop that was playing One Punch Man."Heyyy I was watching that." Y/N whined. His girlfriend giggled before grabbing and setting his coffee aside before peppering his lips with kisses. He laughed as she did so."Leave me alooone I was enjoying my coffee." He whined trying to push her away."Well I want to enjoy your lips so bring your handsome face over here." Finally giving in he scooted closer to her feeling her breath on his face. Slowly he connected his lips with hers.
Her lips tasted amazing. They had a hint of strawberry from her chapstick making it even better. I opened my eyes slowly only to be met by hers. There was a certain look in them, it looked like she was hungry. She lightly bit down on my lower lip asking for entrance which I gladly granted. Her tongue twirled and twisted with mine, our saliva mixing. God she tastes good. I felt her warm hands go under my shirt and up my chest before pulling away. Grace then cuddled against me."How do you feel?" To be honest I feel pretty crappy but Grace somehow manages to make all that go away."Good now that you're cuddling me." I couldn't be happier. I have a beautiful woman in my arms, an awesome job with amazing coworkers. What else could I ask for?"You're to damn sweet. Hey I was thinking about that date uhm is there anything in particular you'd want to do?" There's a lot of things I'd like to do with Grace but I'll keep those thoughts to myself."How about a video game date?" Her eyes lit up witness excitement."You have video games?!" She looked like a little kid."Ya I asked them to ship out my PS5 it should be here in about a week." With that she kissed my lips again."Yes! I haven't played video games in soo long." Dang I am lucky she likes playing video games to."Well I guess that'll be our first date together. Until then I'm going to keep my crippled ass in bed until I feel better." Grace giggled and kissed my lips."Well I'm gonna go get some food would you like anything?" Thinking about it I'm pretty hungry."Ya just get me whatever you get please." She nodded and left. Jesus being injured sucks. I can't move or do anything with out help. A knock was then heard at the door."It's open." Craig then walked in with a box."Hey man Six wanted me to drop this off here. She said it was from the CIA." He set it down before scratching the back of his head."Hey thanks for telling me about Monika." I smiled a little and got up slightly not wanting to hurt myself."Bros before hoes." The SEAL laughed before patting my back."Bros before hoes." He repeated."Just remember I'm here for you man. If you need someone to talk to I'm here for you brother." He nodded and left. Now what's in that box? I grabbed my knife off my gun belt and sliced open the tape. Inside the box laid my PS5 with two controllers. They finally sent it. Grace is gonna have fun with this. After waiting what felt like fifteen minutes she came back with food."What's with the box?" She asked setting the trays of food down."Take a look inside I think you'll like it." And so she did and squealed with joy."Holy shit it's here! Wait can we have that date today?!" Dang I guess she really likes video games."Sure why not?"
(Third Person)
Two weeks have passed. Y/N has properly healed and has continued his training."Alright for your next training course it'll be hand to hand combat. Mr. L/N you'll be going up against Masaru here also known as Echo." Damn did Y/N hate him. He always tried to make moves on Grace."May I ask you Mr. L/N, what fighting style do you specialize in?" Ying asked looking at her clipboard preparing to write."A mixture of systema, taekwondo, Muay Thai and Brazilian jiu-jitsu." Ying chuckled a little writing down on her clipboard. Y/N watched as Masaru stepped into the ring and took off his shirt. He was built but not to Y/N's level. Feeling he was ready he stepped into the ring as well whilst removing his shirt."Alright I don't want any low blows or hair pulling. Alright. Fight!" Ying ordered and Masaru put up his hands while the taller man kept his guard down. This confused the Japanese operative but he went with it and swung at his face. The recruit ducked before throwing a quick and hard jab to his jaw knocking the man out. Masaru dropped to the mat knocked out cold. The fight was over like that. Everyone watched shocked."That was good. Alright this goes for everyone we're heading out into the field for an ambush exercise tomorrow night at 09:00. Be ready and in here by 08:45. You're all dismissed." Ying ordered while everyone left. Once Y/N got back to his dorm Grace welcomed him."How'd your training go?" She asked walking towards him with Muffin resting on her shoulder."It went well. I worked on some hand to hand against Masaru." Her face seemed a little annoyed hearing his name."You know he's not that good at fighting?" He said with a slight chuckle."What, did you win?" He laughed as he walked to the bathroom."Ya. I'm gonna be in the shower then I'll be out and we can hangout a bit." The woman nodded before saying."Maybe I could hop in with you?"
(Grace's POV)
"Maybe I could hop in with you?" I joke laughing a little."Sure I wouldn't mind that." My face heated up. How could he have such a straight face after saying that?!"As I thought. I'll be out in a few." Damn that bastard always making me blush. Someone then knocked on the door, it's probably Ela. I opened it to see Monika."Hey is Y/N here? I wanted to apologize to him and probably ask him out on another date." Does she not know we're together?"He doesn't need your stupid apology if anything you should be apologizing to Craig." Slamming the door in her face felt good but I'm still ticked off. Y/N is mine and only mine. After a good fifteen minutes he came out of the shower in nothing but a towel. Jesus he looks good, I wonder what he looks like under that towel. Wait shut up stop being a perv Grace for one second! I mean he is my boyfriend, I can do those kinds of things whenever can't I?"What're you staring at perv?" He said. My face turned dark red. Damn it I must've been staring for to long."S-Sorry I didn't m-mea-" He cut me off by laughing. This asshole."You can kiss me, rub up on me and make jokes. But as soon as you see me half naked you get all nervous." He said grabbing some clothes."Shut up idiot." He laughed more making me blush more."You're cute." Y/N placed a kiss on my head before heading back into the bathroom getting into some sweats."Put on a damn shirt." I said as he walked out in only sweats."Oh I thought you liked staring at me." Damn it. He then cuddled up with Muffin and I."Hey if you don't mind me asking what went on between you and Masaru?" Well it's about time he knows."Well after Chul passed I was sad and lonely. I got drunk one night and needed to relieve some steam and slept with him. We dated for like one week but I broke up with him since he was an asshole." I really hate Masaru."Well now you have me. And Muffin." Why is this guy so dang cute?"You're my two cute boys." Y/N had a cute smile on his face."Hey kind of a weird question but why do you like me?" His hand made its way to my hip as we spooned."How could I not like you? You're perfect." My cheeks flushed red.
"Oh really? How am I perfect?" I watched as his smile grew wider. He gently played with my hair before saying,"Well for starters you're beautiful. From your eyes to your lips that I could kiss for days. Another thing that makes you perfect is that you're independent and strong. You're also a big cute nerd that likes watching anime with me." I giggled as he kisses my cheeks. He's to sweet."You're extremely caring as well. When I first got injured you helped me out with everything even if I didn't ask. Another thing is you're super smart and a huge tech nerd. You're just overall a cute and awesome person." Dang he's good."Is that good enough for you?" Hmm I haven't heard those words since Chul."Mhm." I wrapped my arms around him with Muffin between us."You should grow out your beard I wanna see how it looks." I said rubbing his chin."Give me a kiss and I'll think about it." I giggled and did so. This man is amazing.

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