Part Fifteen:Operation Blackstorm Pt 1

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I slowly woke up feeling Grace's skin on mine. Looking at her in my arms I notice she was only in her bra and panties. Did we do it again last night?
(Flashback To Last Night)
"Hey Grace are you gonna come sleep with me?" I asked yawning whilst stretching."Ya I'll be there in a few just go wait for me there." So I did. Once I got in my room I changed into my pajamas which were just a pair of shorts. Wonder what Grace is doing. Once I laid down in bed she walked in, half naked. Well this caught a bit off guard."Uhm Grace why are you naked?" She laughed a little and laid down on my chest."I just like sleeping like this sometimes. Got a problem with that mister?" We both laughed before sharing a short kiss."Did you put Muffin to bed?" She nodded and placed a kiss on my chest."Goodnight Y/N." Jesus I love her so much."Goodnight." The two of us slowly drifted off to sleep.
(End Of Flashback)
Oh so that's what happened. Looking back down at her she lightly moaned and cuddled closer to me. Wonder what she's dreaming about. Observing her face I watched as it scrunched up as is she was scared. Probably having a nightmare. Feeling a bit bad I gently stroked her head. Grace's face slowly relaxed, her eyes slowly cracked opened."Good morning beautiful." I kissed her lips."Good morning 섹시한." She kisses me this time before straddling herself on my lap."What're you doing Mrs. Nam?" I questioned with a smirk."Do you think you could take me on a date?" Well I didn't expect that."Ya sure that actually sounds nice but first give me a kiss then I'll think about it." She rolled her eyes before leaning down and kissing me thoroughly. My hands slowly maid their way to her rear end which I squeezed. Grace lightly moaned opening her mouth giving me the chance to slip in my tongue. Our tongues swirled and fought for dominance with me ultimately winning. My hands gently roamed her body as did hers. Our small session was interrupted by the intercom."Will operators Reaper, Thatcher,Blackbeard, Echo and Tachanka please report to the briefing room." The beautiful woman who laid on my chest sighed and got off."Sorry Grace duty calls." I said making her laugh a little."Go get dressed you big goof, I'll be waiting for you so we can cuddle more." With that I quickly got dressed and made my way to the briefing room. Once in Six had us all sit down."Alright listen up. I'm having you men run a reconnaissance mission in Afghanistan. We have a compound that was spotted holding White Mask troops. You five will go in via HALO jump and scout out the compound and gather as much intel you can." After a good hour briefing she began wrapping things up."Due to the enemy having surface to air missiles air support will not be available. So if shit hits the fan men, you'll be on your own." We all looked at each other and nodded except Masaru who was being weird. He's probably still salty."Alright since there's no questions your plane leaves at 18:00. Be ready by then please. You're all dismissed." Well this sounds dangerous but it's not like o haven't done worse. I headed back to the dorm to be met by Grace who welcomed me with a kiss."Took you damn long enough." We cuddled up on the couch under a warm blanket."Ya sorry we were given a mission Six was just briefing us out on it." She seemed to tense up a bit at the mention of a mission."What kind of mission?" She must be worried."Nothing much just a recon mission. I'll be fine so don't you worry babe." In an attempt to comfort the woman I kissed her lips."Well just be extra careful please." After another I kiss I said,"Don't worry. For now let's cuddle I have a few hours before I have to get ready."
Ten Hour Time Skip
The five of us walked out onto the runway where a C-17 waited. We boarded and waited for takeoff. Once in the air I opened a book Grace had lent me. It was called Emma by Jane Austen. Although it was a romance book it was still pretty good. By the time we had neared our jump point I had finished the book. We received the ten minute mark. The five of us got up and checked each other's chutes. After the time had passed the ramp of the plane opened. I watched as the red light holding us back turned green. We all spilled out of the plane into the night sky. Through my night vision the stars looked beautiful. I looked at my altimeter on my wrist. It was time for me to pull my chute. After waving off I pulled the cord and was jolted back with the chute. For some reason the canopy didn't fully deploy. I was left moving quickly towards the ground. Well this isn't my first malfunction, plus I've trained for this so it's nothing to be scared of. Pulling my cut away cord the main chute detached and I pulled the reserve cord. Out came my reserve chute which thankfully deployed correctly. Safely, I landed at the LZ."You alright mate? Looked like you had some trouble." Mike asked walking up to me."Ya the risers got stuck. Just pulled the cut away cord and then the reserve. Alright let's get a move on to the objective." We disposed of our HALO kit and marched onto the objective. After what felt like a good hour of hiking we made it. It was a small house. The house itself was an abandoned two story that had a good view of the white mask compound."Alright everyone remember to check those damn corners." I said as we slowly cleared it making sure no one was there waiting for us. Once we cleared it we setup a camera and telescope."Alright we're gonna get as many photos of the occupants inside the compound. Once we feel that we've got enough we'll hike to the EXFIL point which is about fifteen miles out and call in the heli. Until then focus on the objective."
(Third Person)
As the hours passed through the night and into the early morning the team had gathered enough photos."Alright let's get the bloody hell out of here." Mike exclaimed as he stretched his back. As the team began packing up a single bullet flew through a window. It struck Craig on his plate carrier sending him on his back. Breathless, he got up and into cover. Everyone ducked out of the way from any windows."Shit. They must've figured out we're here. I don't fucking know how but they did." A storm of AK fire came upon them. Y/N quickly popped up and fired killing five white masks before taking a round to his shoulder. Tachanka took a round to his chest sending him unconscious. He laid on the ground writhing in pain. Mike attempted to crawl to them before a bullet penetrated the mud wall and hit his thigh before another hit his stomach. Craig in a fit of anger emptied his mag out the window killing a few. Masaru didn't seemed to be worried, he seemed, excited. Before the SEAL knew it he took a round to his hip just barely missing the bone. The Japanese operative then got up and yelled something out the window but Y/N couldn't hear it. The pain in his shoulder grew more intense. It was as if someone continuously held a hot iron to his skin. The gunfire had stopped and Masaru stood there with a grin. Eventually white masks poured into the room. They kicked the guns out of the four men's reach. One walked up to Masaru, he had a black mask with a gold stripe down it. They both shook hands. A shot of adrenaline shot through Y/N. He attempted to get up only to take a boot to his jaw."Here's your pay. It's been nice doing business with you." Masaru handed the leader a bag of cash."How will you explain this to your boss?" The terrorist questioned."I'll probably just say we were surrounded and they told me to leave and tell the others what happened." The terrorists chuckled, one kicking Craig in his side. "How will we dispose of them?" One asked pointing to the group of men on the ground."There's a river we can dump their bodies into." They all smiled devilishly. One by one they were carried into the nearby river and dumped. The water carrying their energy drained bodies."Well this is it." The four men thought."This is the end."
(Author's Note)
Left you on a bit of a cliffhanger didn't I? 😏 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Expect some more soon!

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