Part Six:Memories

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(Grace's POV)
Once Ela and I got to London we got a few stares from guys as walked by. We walked around looking at stores and bought some clothes. By the time we finished we came up to a pet shop."It wouldn't hurt to look." I said and Ela groaned before following me in. I looked through the aisles of animals before laying my eyes on a kitten. It was a British Shorthair. My heart melted at the sight of it."Grace you know what Six said about pets." I continued to look at the kitten who stared back at me."She said she wouldn't allow noisy and messy pets. Cats aren't noisy or messy so might as well." I grabbed a worker and asked about the cat."Oh this little guy here. He's for sale for about fifty pounds, we've been trying to get someone to buy em but no one has. Are you interested in buying the little lad?" The worker picked him up and placed him in my arms. My heart felt as if it was going to burst."I'll take him." I quickly paid before we made it back to Ela's black GTR. "You think Y/N will like him?" I asked holding up the small kitten."I mean it's kinda hard not to. He's so cute. What are you going to name the little dziecko?" She scratched his little head while making a left turn."Maybe, muffin." That seemed to suit him.
As I read my book my phone buzzed from a notification. I looked over to see a text,"Hey it's Grace what do you think of this little guy?" Below the text was a selfie of her and a kitten. It was pretty cute. So I responded,"It's cute are you bringing him back to the dorm?" It took a little but she responded."Ya is that okay with you?" I chuckled a little."Ya I love cats" Now she's got me all excited I haven't had a cat in a long time.
Growing a little bored I decided to hit the gym and tired myself off. I took off my shirt, threw on some shorts and my plate carrier. Once there I began deadlifting five hundred pounds worth of of weight. As I did so a few females stared at me but I couldn't care less to be honest."Hey I don't think we've properly met?" A blond woman stood in front of me."My name is Monika or IQ on the field." She said holding out her hand. I set the bar down and shook it."Y/N. I'm the new recruit." She looked into my eyes for a little making me feel a little awkward."Well uhm if you ever need anything I'm here." Well that was awkward. I watched as she walked off before continuing my workout. By the time I finished it was beginning to get a little dark out so I headed back to the dorm to shower considering I smelled like ass.
The warm water on my back felt nice as it began to soak my sweaty hair.l
(Grace's POV)
After thanking Ela for the nice day out I headed back into my dorm with Muffin. I heard the shower running, Y/N was probably in there. He seemed excited over the texts, I wonder if he's excited to see Muffin. Once out of the shower he was dressed in shorts and a sweater."Oh hey Grace. Oh my god he's so cute." He sounded like a little kid as he picked Muffin up to his chest. I watched as Muffin snuggles up to him."He's so cute. I might have to steal him from you. What's his name?" Y/N gently rubbed the kittens head."I decided on Muffin." His lips curves into a small smile."That suits him well. Here." He placed Muffin in my arms carefully."I am gonna try and sleep so, I guess goodnight." For some reason I really want to hangout with him a little longer."Wait uhm are you free tomorrow? Me and Ela were heading to the beach and were wondering if you'd like to go?" Damn it I know he's gonna say no."That actually sounds nice. I haven't been to the beach in awhile. Well anyways goodnight Grace." Thank god. Wait why am I relieved? Do I want him to go that bad?"Goodnight Y/N." After putting my new kitten to sleep on one of my spare pillows. Staring up at my ceiling questions ran through my head. Do I like Y/N? Should I make a move? I think I won't I'm still not over Chul. But it's what he'd want, or at least that's what he told me he wanted.
(Flashback One Month Ago)
Chul, who at the time I was dating was sent out on a mission. We had first met in Rainbow when he joined. Ever since then we'd been dating. When the team came back from the mission they had to carry Chul out of the helicopter on a stretcher. I remember seeing his bloody body and sobbing. It turns out while they were going to rescue a hostage a suicide bomber blew up near him sending shrapnel into his body. He only had a few minutes left to live by the time we got him to the medical room. Chul had lost so much blood due to his aorta being severed by shrapnel."Grace I'm not making it out of this one." He said resting one of his hands on my face while Doc tried stopping the bleeding."D-Don't say that! You're gonna be fine just-" His bloody finger made it's way to my lips shushing me."Just do me a favor. Find someone new to love, I want you to be happy when I'm gone." I sobbed more."I-I'll try." He smiled before his muscles went limp and his hand fell from my face.
(Flashback Over)
I slowly began to cry. Muffin crawled up to my chest meowing making me laugh a little."What do you think little guy? Should I ask him out or should I wait?" He meowed and yawned."I'll just wait a little longer."
(Y/N's Dreams)
I was manning the .50 cal on top of my team's MRAP as we patrolled a city in Afghanistan."Hey L/N you see anything?" Chris, my team leader, asked me."Nothing yet." We continued driving until our patrol shift was over."Alright our shift is over let's head back to base." Chris said before our car was launched onto it's side by an IED. I was launched from the car and onto the dirt road. My ears rung as dust rose around me. As the ringing in my ear settled gunfire arose. I quickly flipped down my NVGs and moved to my flipped MRAP. I looked inside through the gunner seat seeing everyone dead. The blast was so strong it created a hole in the bottom of the vehicle sensing hot shrapnel through mangling their bodies. I stared at the horrendous sight before a billet whizzed past my head only by an inch marking me come back to my senses. Quickly I grabbed my rifle from the vehicle before firing back at the insurgents killing two. As I fired I took a round to my plate carrier sending my onto my back. Insurgents surrounded me pinning me down. One pointed an AK at my head, his finger on the trigger. This is it.
(Grace's POV)
I woke up to here a groaning noise from Y/N's room. I wonder if he's okay. Feeling worried I get up and go to his bedroom door and open it. He was whimpering and moving around a little. He's probably having a bad dream. Should I wake him up? Before I could do anything he shot up awake."Hey sorry for coming in it's just it sounded like you were having a bad dream." Y/N sat up at the side of his bed."It's nothing." "Y/N you're a sweaty mess it was obviously something." I said sitting next to him."What was that dream about? Was it about your friend from the CIA?" He sighed and put his face in his hands."No it was from my time with Delta Force in Afghanistan." Trying to calm him down a little I put an arm around his shoulder."You know it helps talking about it?" He sat there in silence for a few moments."If I tell you, this will stay between us and only between us, okay?" I nodded and held out my pinky for a pinky promise which he did with a slight chuckle. The tired man went on to explain to me what had happened."One of them had their gun to my head I thought shit well this is it until ANA forces showed up and lit those fuckers up. It's just I wonder why was I the only one who survived? Why was I the one who got to go home and see their family when my squad mates didn't?" I had no idea he was going through all this I mean he mentioned his friend but never all this."Well are you glad you made it out? I mean now you have an amazing friend who you share a room with." Y/N laughed a little."Ya I guess I am a little glad it's just I wish I could have done something to prevent all that from happening." I sighed."There's just some things you can't prevent from happening. Now head to sleep we got some fun plans for tomorrow morning." With that he went back to sleep and I went back to my room.

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