Part Five:What Do You Think?

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(Third Person)
Y/N looked around to see the room was a total mess."You live like this?" He asked chuckling a little."I don't see anything wrong with it." Grace said walking past him and plopping herself onto the couch where boxes of pizza laid."Alright if we're gonna be roommates this place needs to be cleaned up a bit." The woman groaned as she got up."Alright but let me show you to your room." She walked up to two doors and opened one on the left."This one is yours." He looked around and noticed it looked a little used."Has someone used this room before?" Her face looked a little sad."Ya an old friend. Well I'll be next door." Y/N could tell she looked sad so he decided to have some fun."Not until you help me clean up around here." She sighed."But I'll make things a bit more fun. I'll play some music." He watched her lips slowly form into a small smile."What kind of music?" The former CIA operative thought for a moment."How about some sixties music?" "Sure." The two began cleaning and messing around. Once done the dorm looked brand new."There now it looks nice in here." She said proudly of herself."And it doesn't smell like moldy socks." Y/N added in catching a look from her."Shut up. Anyways I'm gonna go to the range do you want to come with?" He shrugged."Sure I haven't shot my Glock in awhile." The two friends headed to the outdoor range where a rather tall and bulky Russian sat with a large LMG."Who's he?" Y/N asked budging Grace's arm."He goes by Tachanka. He's from the Russian Spetsnaz." They watched as he quickly shot down pop up targets."Well let's get to it." He took aim and rapid fired all eighteen shots in his gun at one target getting a tight grouping. Quickly he dropped his mag before putting in a fresh one and doing the same thing to a new target. The woman next to him was impressed. He watched as a screen off to the side displayed the words new record. Grace's jaw dropped."Try and beat that." The man said cockily. She took up the challenge and pulled out her CZ shooting targets as fast as she could. To her disappointment her score landed only in third place as it usually did."Damn it I was close."
(Grace's POV)
I sat my sidearm down and looked over to Y/N who was now clapping. This asshole is probably being sarcastic."That was actually pretty good. Just work on controlling that recoil." He said and I nodded."Hey I'm kinda hungry I'm gonna go get some lunch. Wanna come with?" Considering I'm pretty hungry I decided to go with."Sure wait is today Monday?" I questioned."Ya why?" He asked as we walked back in base."Yess they're serving cheeseburgers today." I said throwing my hands up in the air in excitement. Y/N laughed a little, it was kinda cute. Once we got there he grabbed some food and sat at a table all by himself. After grabbing my food I sat down next to him."Oh hey, I thought you were gonna go eat with your friends." "Well I was but then I saw you eating over here all alone. So do you just plan on being a loner your whole time here?" I asked making him a laugh a tiny bit."No I'll start talking to people when I feel like it. For now I guess I'll just stick with you." It felt as if my heart skipped a beat. My face felt heated."Hey you okay? Your face is pretty red." I blushed even more."O-Oh it's nothing i-it's just hot." I watched as he looked at me skeptically before shrugging and continuing to eat. Damn that was close."So Y/N where in the US do you live?" Seriously? I asked him where he came from of all questions?"Well I was born in the state of Washington. I stayed there practically all my life and have a nice little house at a small port. It's pretty nice down there. It's usually always cloudy and raining which is the type of weather I love. I really couldn't ask for a better place to live." Oh he actually responded to it."Where do you stay?" I smiled thinking of home, I miss it."Oh well I was born Seoul, South Korea and I still live there. It's really nice and pretty. I've got a little apartment there while my parents live just outside the city." His lips curved into a smile."I've been stationed in Seoul a few times awhile back. Trained with your Special Forces for awhile it was pretty fun. People stared at us a lot though I mean considering we were a bunch of tall bearded white dudes." We both laughed. Our laughter was soon interrupted by one of the Japanese SAT operators.
As we both laughed a male Japanese operative sat next to Grace."Who's he?" He asked giving me a dirty look. I couldn't care less as I ate my burger but I listened in on the conversation knowing a little Japanese."None of your business. We've been over for three weeks now so leave me alone." She seemed to grow more agitated as her brows furrowed."Come on I'm sorry I shouldn't have done what I done." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder clearly ticking her off even more."Just leave her alone." I spoke in clear and fluent Japanese shocking the two."Who are you exactly and who do you think you are telling me what to do?" Jesus this dude is annoying."That's to none of your worries just walk away." I said standing up and looking down at him. He stood up as well."You think you're tough huh?" He attempted to punch me but I sent a knee to his balls and pulled him close to me."Before things get messy I'd suggest you leave." Everyone one was staring but I didn't really care. The SAT operative walked away groaning. Everyone stared at me but I sat back down and continued eating."Sorry about that but back on topic Seoul is pretty nice." Grace had a confused look on her face."You know Japanese?" I chuckled a little."Ya I know Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Pashto, Swedish, and Russian. What about you?" She punched my shoulder laughing a little."No fare I only know Korean, Japanese and English. How'd you learn all that?" After rubbing my shoulder I said,"Took awhile but I just studied a crap ton."
(Third Person)
The two friends talked and ate for another half hour before Y/N had to go outside to pick up his personal items that had arrived from Iraq."I'll be at the dorm if you need me." He said as Dokkaebi nodded and went off with Ela a Polish operator. He went up to the dorm and entered his room where he began setting it up. Once he finished he stood back and looked at it all feeling accomplished. Whilst he laid on his bed Grace hung out with Ela."So who's the guy who you were hanging with?" Ela questioned."Oh Y/N? He's a new recruit to Rainbow. We share my dorm together." Grace said scrolling through her tablet and pushing up her glasses."Is he nice?" The green haired woman asked as she applied makeup."Ya he's really nice and funny." Grace smiled remembering his laugh and smile."Hey Grace are you coming with me into the city?" She thought for a moment before saying."Sure why not? Do you have some cute clothes I could borrow all of mine are in the wash." Ela smirked before she began pulling clothes out of her closet.
I stared up at the ceiling remembering times from Afghanistan and Iraq. I remember my first kill. It was on my first deployment in the Rangers back in Afghanistan. My team and I were keeping over watch for some Marines when a lady stepped out with an AK47. Within a second I squeezed the trigger of at the time my .338 lapua. Her body folded and dropped to the ground as a pool of blood surrounded her. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts,"It's unlocked." Grace entered and stood and the door way."What do you think?" She asked referring to her outfit. She was wearing her classic beanie and glasses, a black tank top that was tucked into some jean shorts, followed by a jean jacket, and some black and white vans."You look cute." I said with a straight face as I watched hers turn bright pink."Oh thanks well I just wanted to say I'm heading out to London for the day so I guess I'll see you later." With that she left and closes my bedroom door. I laid back down and stared at my ceiling before pulling out my phone. I decided to play some music and read a book my sister in-law lended me.

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