Part One:Decompressing

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Location:Al-Taji military base, Iraq
(Y/N's POV)
Drink after drink, shot after shot, my team and I drank the pain away."To Craig." John, a close friend of mine held his shot glass in the air. All six of us did the same."To Craig!" We all clanked our glasses together and downed the alcohol. This was all happening due to one of our more recent missions. It was a failure in my eyes but the objective was completed.
"You know for a bunch of CIA killers you guys are kinda nice." The new guy Craig exclaimed as we all boarded a CH-47 on our way to a mission. The team chuckled."Alright,remember boys it's a simple snatch and grab. Expect contact once we make it to the compound so keep your eyes pealed and head on a swivel." Everyone nodded as I put in my earbuds. "What're you listening to?" Craig questioned me."Slipknot." "Slipknot really?" I smirked a little."Yup their music helps me get a bit more ready." The man across from me nodded and rested against his seat.
After a short twenty minute flight they landed at the LZ. Everyone quickly exited before the helicopter took off just as swiftly as it had arrived. In a line formation, the team of CIA operators made their way to the entrance of the e compound."Breacher up." I whispered and John came up to the front gate and set a breaching charge. I counted down on my fingers, three, two, one. He then detonated the charge sending the locked gate flying open. We stormed the complex dropping any armed male and arresting anyone unarmed. We found the HVT and grabbed him. As we left to the exfil we came under heavy enemy fire.
I fired back but they had us pinned down good. As I was going to fire my rifle a grenade landed at my feet. Craig pushed me before jumping onto the grenade taking the full blast. My ears rung and it felt as if my head was spinning. I looked down at my teammate to see his corpse mangled. That there set me off. We release hate on those guys. After we made sure it was clear I loaded my dead friend into a body bag and made it to the exfil with the HVT.
(flashback over)
"Y/N you okay?" John asked patting my shoulder."Ya, just zoned out for a minute. Well I'm gonna be in my cot if you need me." I began to leave but he stopped me,"Remember you go home for Christmas tomorrow. Tell your brother I said hi." I smiled and nodded before leaving to the barracks. Once in, I laid in my cot and stared at the ceiling."This wouldn't have happened if I were just paying attention. It should have been me. Craig would still be here if it weren't for me." This is all my fault.
(Third Person)
By the time Y/N arrived home it went just like every other time he came back from a deployment. He'd go to his house in Washington, sit down, drink coffee, and stare at a blank wall. Except this time was different. He had a date. Looking in the mirror at himself he raised his hand to his chin touching the long beard that rested on his face."You look like an old man." Grabbing an electric razor, he slowly shaved off all the hair until his face was baby smooth. After getting ready he headed to the restaurant to meet up with his date. Y/N waited for an hour, she didn't come. Feeling more down than he already was he asked for the check and went to a nearby bar. Yet again, the deeply depressed male downed shot after shot. As he was deep in his thoughts the bartender turned on the TV switching to the news channel.
"From recent reports in Iraq, the widely known counter terrorism unit called Team Rainbow was spotted operating outside of Baghdad. Photos were taken by civilians nearby" Y/N shook his head."I swear they don't know anything about stealth." He thought to himself as he watched a shaky video taken by a civilian of the operators storming a building. Feeling tired the CIA operative walked home. Days passed until it was his last day at home before he had to head back out to Iraq. It was Christmas. Usually he had no one to spend it with but considering his brother was diagnosed with cancer and bed ridden he decided to spend it with him.
It took awhile to check in but once he did he made his way to his brother."How's it going Chris?" His brother's face brightened with a smile."Hey Y/N surprised you're not dead yet." I laughed a little."Ya I am to. How are the wife and kids?" He sighed but smiled."They're doing good, wife brought the girls yesterday morning. You know they miss their uncle right? You should stop by on your way back home." A nurse out in the hallway dropped a glass causing it to shatter. Y/N flinched heavily in response. After calming himself, he handed Chris a small box."Here's your present. I gotta go if I want to see the kids, I'm leaving today." The two brothers smiled."Well it was good seeing you brother. Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas."
As he left Chris opened the small box to see a photo of him and Y/N as kids with a small note. The note read,"Merry Christmas to the greatest brother, father, Frogman I know" Tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked at the photo of them hugging.
After spending a little over an hour with his nieces and sister in-law he had to head to Fort Lewis. There a private jet awaited him, before he knew it he was off back to Iraq.

(Authors Note)
This is my first story so I hope you guys like it! I'll continue writing this and make it a small series other than that enjoy!

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