Part Four:A Job Offer

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(Third Person)
Grace went back to the barrack now feeling tired considering she talked to Y/N for an hour and it was getting late. Y/N on the other hand decided to stay up till they had to head out for the op. As the time came he made his way to the barrack where the operators slept."Alright everyone up. It's time." Everyone got up groggily before getting in their gear."Alright let's get a move on we got a Blackhawk waiting for us." Once everyone was ready they jogged to the heli and boarded before taking off into the early morning sky. The flight wasn't to long as the team was less than a few miles out from the LZ."One click out." The pilot said over the radio. A few more minutes passed before the helicopter landed and the operators spilled out."Alright on me." The team moved in a line formation towards the objective. It was dark out, the only thing that illuminated the area was the moon and stars."Coming up to the objective. Hold." Y/N spotted two guards at the front gate. They were wearing different attire from the casual insurgent. Ranging from hoodies, white masks, plate carries and military grade assault rifles. Something felt off."Dokkaebi over here." She moved over next to him."We're taking out those two at the front gate on three alright? You take left I'll take right." She nodded and set the crosshairs of her MK14 on the left target."One, two, three." Two suppressed cracks echoed through the night as the two men folded over."Alright let's move." Everyone moved to the wall they planned to blow down. Y/N pulled out a special charge and strapped it to the wall."Alright get back." With a deafening boom the charge went off blowing a large hole in the wall. The operators quickly moved through. They cleared the courtyard and quickly moved to the main building."Next charge set." The CIA operative said strapping the next charge on the building wall. It went off putting a hole in the wall. Grace tossed in a flash before entering with everyone else. Y/N took lead through a hallway, a male poked his head out and lost it in the process as Y/N shot two rounds. Right then the power went out so he flipped down his NVGs. Grace on the other hand was stuck in the dark but her eyes slowly adapted. As the team slowly cleared the bottom floor they dropped six of the nine targets."Next floor. Stack on the stairs." They slowly moved up the stairs."There's only one room at the end of this hall. Move smooth and fast." Everyone nodded and moved to stack on the door. John pulled out a sledge hammer and smashed it into the door sending it flying open. They all stormed in dropping the last three targets."Alright good shit. Grab anything that looks like intel an bag it. Search the bodies as well. I want everything." After a good hour of searching they found phones, laptops, paper files, photos etc."Who do you think these guys are?" John asked as they made it to the exfil point."I don't know but they have good gear which means they're well funded. That's not good." Once everyone got to the exfil point they called in for the helicopter."Roger that ETA five mikes." After a little while of waiting the Blackhawk landed and the operators boarded flying off back towards base."That was some clean shit. You Rainbow operators aren't half bad." The two woman chuckles."Ya you're not to bad yourself." Taina said switching pistol mags."Ya maybe you guys should consider joining Rainbow." Y/N chuckled."We really can't. Me and John here aren't suppose to gain public attention and I see you guys all over the news." Grace set down her rifle before saying,"I'm sure my boss would be able to make a few arrangements. You guys should at least have a meeting with her." He sighed."What do you say John?" John rubbed the back of his neck."Sure I can't see why not." The two women smiled especially Grace."Alright I'll contact my boss once we get back to base." As the sun began to rise the team landed. John picked up all the bagged intel and took it to people who'd look through it and see if there was anything important. After a long call with Six she convinced her to have a meeting with the two."These guys are skilled I think you'll like them." She said as she removed her boots."Bring them with you if you can. Six out." With that the call was over.
"Hey I talked to my chief and he said if we get the job he'll relieve us of our positions so we can go work with you guys." Y/N said making the rather short Korean woman smile."Great. We're leaving in an hour so I'd just get ready, she's kinda scary." He laughed with her."Alright. Also nice job today, I haven't worked with Team Rainbow in awhile so it was kinda nice." Dokkaebi tilted her head confused."You've worked with us before?" She questioned."Ya back in the early days of my military career back in Afghanistan. At the time I was in the 75th Ranger Regiment second battalion. We heard a distress call over our radios so we responded to find some of your dudes. I'm sure they've retired by now but ya we helped them out a little with some air support." He stretched his back as he said so."How long have you been serving?" Y/N scratched his head."About thirteen years now, joined the Army when I was seventeen." The two continued talking about their military service before Taina came over."Hey pendejos our helicopter to Baghdad airport is waiting for us." The three all went to the heli where John was waiting."Took you guys long enough." Once at the airport a private jet waited for them."Better get comfy it's a long flight." Grace said sitting next to Y/N on the plane. The five hours seemed to pass quickly as he had fallen asleep. Those same dreams came back. The image of Craig's body flashed through his mind. As the plane landed he jolted awake. He quickly gained his composure and awoke the others. Once out of the plane the rain hit them."Welcome to Hereford, England."
I looked up at the dark cloudy sky as we walked towards a rather large base."Alright just follow me." Grace said as we entered. As we did so I looked around to see a cafeteria where operators ranging from GIGN and Spetsnaz eating. We gained a few stares but we kept walking."Alright we're here go on inside one at a time." Taina said crossing her arms. I decided to head in first. Once in I was greeted by a menacing looking woman sitting at her desk."You must be one of the CIA operatives I heard about. Take a seat." After sitting down she folded her hands together."For starters what's your name?" "Y/N L/N mam." She wrote something down on a paper and looked back up at me."Now Mr. L/N what does your military career look like?" I sighed and rubbed my chin."Well I enlisted in the Army Rangers at seventeen, after that I went Special Forces and joined the Green Berets. After doing that for a few years I tried out for Delta and made it. Once I retired from the military I did contracting then some paramilitary work." I watched as a small smirk formed on her face."Well it sounds like you have a hell of a lot of experience under your belt Mr. L/N. What about your friend outside?" "His name is John Bradford he was by my side through all of this. We practically have the same amount of experience." The woman stayed silent and continued to write things down on a paper."Mr. L/N I think you and Mr. Bradford would be great assets to the team. How would you like to join Rainbow?" I smiled."Mam I'd be willing to but I'm kind of happy with my job already. It has good pay and housing, I've got a good squad of men, I have a high rank and I'm respected by both my superiors and lowers. Plus since I've worked with the CIA I'm not suppose to be out in the public eye." I watched as she rubbed her chin."Well the base pay for each operator is ninety thousand a year. Also everyone around here respects each other but you do have to earn it just like anywhere else. We also have amazing dorms that you can have to yourself or share. And I can understand that you wish to be out of the public eye which can be arranged. As of now this job position is now open for you and your partner Mr. L/N. By the way, call me Six." She said handing me a contract. I exited her office and sat in a seat next to the door."How'd it go?" Grace asked."I mean we got it. She made some good offers that I couldn't pass up so I think I'm gonna take it. It's your turn to head in John." And so he did."I'll be right back I have to make a call." I got up and pulled out my phone."Hey chief I got the job." There was a slight pause."Thanks it's been nice working with you sir. I'll come get my things." Yet again there was another slight pause."Oh thanks. I guess this is goodbye sir. See you later." After hanging up I began filling out the contract."What was the call about?" She asked sitting down next to me."Called up my boss saying I got the job. He's removing me from my position and having my things shipped out over here." I said as I finished filling out the contract. Right then John stepped out with a contract as well."So what do you think?" I questioned. John sighed,"It's just not for me man." Feeling a bit down I sighed as well before smiling."Well I guess that leaves you as the leader of our squad. Good luck man." We hugged tightly. I'm gonna miss him."You better come visit me so we can have some drinks." I laughed and agreed before he went off to leave."Wait where will I be staying?" Hopefully it wasn't with a damn slob. I already had to put up with a few of those."Oh go and ask Six she'll assign you to a room." So I did and went in."Sorry for interrupting again but o was wondering what room I'd be assigned to?" She looked at her computer and back up at me."The only open rooms are female ones. One with our operator Ela and the other Dokkaebi who you obviously already know." Well it could be worse."I'll go with Dokkaebi." She nodded and so did I before leaving."So who'd you choose?" She asked with a wide smile."Well it was either you or some chick named Ela and since I already know you I chose you." Grace's cheeks turned a light shade of red."Oh I haven't had a roommate in awhile. Well this is gonna be fun. Follow me." Hesitantly I followed."Don't worry I don't bite." She said making me laugh a little. Once in the room I looked around and it was a complete mess. Clothes were all over the place, plates were stacked, and it smelt like moldy cheese."Welcome to your new dorm."

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