Part Three:Friends?

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(Grace's POV)
Taina and I followed Y/N down a hallway to a door that read,"Chief". Before we entered he stopped us."Listen once we get in there I'm gonna do some talking so for now just stay quiet." I rolled my eyes before agreeing. Once inside I sat down to see and older guy sitting at a desk."Yes Mr. L/N?" The man asked. I guess that's his last name, it kinda suits him."We got our guy to talk. He gave me names, coordinates, and the name of some group called the White Masks." The man at the desk then looked at us."Who are they?" Y/N smirked."They from Team Rainbow. These two were after our guy the same reason we were but we got to him before them. Back to the intel. He gave us a location of a small compound containing more intel. Maybe we could put up a small team and hit it to see what we can find." Y/N seemed a little excited."Well we could but the rest of our operators are off on a training exercise so all we have is you and John." Right then Y/N looked back Taina and I with a smirk."I'll be right back Chief. You two come with me outside." I shrugged and got up."What is it?" I asked crossing my arms."Listen I'm trying to get this small operation moving as fast as possible. I wanna hit a small compound but I don't have enough guys to where it's be safe to do so. Would you guys be willing to help out?" I think about what Six, our leader, told us. She wanted me a back before tomorrow with Nicholai but the situation has changed."We would if we could but we have to get confirmation with our boss and we couldn't get any signal out here." I watched as the man in front of me pull out his SAT phone."Well that's because we have signal jammers set up around here with a four mile radius so just use this instead." I raised my eyebrow slightly impressed. I grabbed the phone and dialed in Six's number. After waiting a few seconds she picked up."Who's this and how do you have my number?" I giggled."Six it's Grace. We've kinda got into an altercation with," I put my phone to my chest and asked,"Who are you guys again?" He chuckles a little before pointing to a CIA patch on his shoulder."We got into an altercation with the CIA. They took our guy but they let us come with and interrogated him and got a lot of information. They're planning out a raid but don't have enough men and asked if we could come with. Is that okay with you mam?" Six stayed silent worrying me. Is she angry that we didn't bring Nicholai back to base?"Fine I'm extending your stay another day but that's it I want you guys back after that. Are we clear?" I agreed and hung up the call."She said we could stay and go on the mission. Glad to be working with you guys." We shook hands. He had a firm grip."Alright let's head back to my chief's office." We went back and planned out the mission with another CIA operative only identified as John. Y/N stood in front of a projector and pointed at a diagram of the compound."Alright this compound is surround by an outer wall. They more than likely know that we're coming considering we captured one of their guys so they're gonna have boobytrapped the front gate. So my plan is that we breach through the outer wall using a special charge. From what we can tell there's only one building that's a two stories tall. From drone footage we've counted a total of nine targets inside. Once we get there you'll do as I say. Are we clear?" I looked over to Taina who raised her hand."What are the rules of engagement?" "None. Kill them all." This shocked me a little but then again it is the CIA."Alright we're leaving at 03:00 tomorrow morning. Be up and ready at the helipad. For now you guys can setup in the barracks since everyone won't be back till later tomorrow. You can follow me since I'm heading there if you'd like." We both got up and followed him to a well kept building. We entered a room filled with lines of cots."So what do you Rainbow operators even do?"
Y/N asked."Well we kind of just do what you guys do but with more rules. How come you guys don't have as much?" I pouted as I took off my beanie."Well when the US government doesn't want to overtly associated with something they send us in. They usually send us to do the shady shit. That's all I'm allowed to really say." Hm sounds interesting but a bit to much for me."So what you're like a secret spy?" I joked as I took off my gear laying it next to my cot."Sorta but not really. Well you guys can chill here, there's a lounge with a TV and video games of y'all get bored. I'm gonna go to the gym which is down the hall and workout a little. Come get me if you guys need me." With that he was off."Are you still drooling Grace?" Taina said. I could feel my entire face heat up."I w-was not!" I crossed my arms. The Brazilian women laughed."You should go workout with him. I'm sure he could use a hand." Jesus I hate Taina sometimes."No I'm not into him and anyways I'm still not over, you know what, never mind. I'll just go hangout I have nothing better to do."
I entered the gym and went to my locker to pull out some workout shorts and shoes. I undressed myself then put my shoes and shorts on before putting on my plate carrier along with my combat belt for some extra weight. Once done I headed back out and grabbed a barbell before putting three hundred pound worth of weights in it. Putting it over my shoulders I slowly began to do squats. Around my one thirtieth squat the gym door opened."Oh did you come to workout too?" I asked struggling to do more squats."Ya I'll be on the treadmill." Off she went and began jogging. She's kinda cute but I'd rather just focus on my career for now there's not a whole lot of time for dating. I then switched to doing curls and got up to seventy before my arms finally gave out. Next up was legs so I headed to the leg press and put a solid five hundred pounds.
(Third Person)
Y/N worked on his legs as Dokkaebi jogged on the treadmill. As she ran old memories made their way into her head of her last relationship. How she held her last lover in her arms as he breathed his last breath. The woman snapped out of her thoughts when someone nudged her shoulder."Wanna hop in the ring?" Y/N questioned."I guess but don't be complaining when I kick your ass." Grace said confidently making the tall operative laugh. He removed his gear and placed boxing gloves on both their hands."Alright this fight is gonna be fair, no hair pulling or low blows got it?" She nodded. Right then he put up his hands to his face. Grace decided to make the first move and went for a jab to test him out only for Y/N to duck and send a right hook into her jaw. She stumbled back but regained her composure."He's good, I'm gonna have to up my game a little." The Korean thought to herself. As she assessed his movements she came up with a small plan. As he went for a punch she ducked and swept his legs and attempted to straddle him but he rolled over putting him on top. He faked a punch causing her to flinch,"Looks I like win." With a smirk Grace punched Y/N in his wobbly bits sending him onto his side groaning."Hey I said no low blows." He continued to groan on the floor."Whatever." She said giggling as she exited the ring."Jesus. That was a bit rude." He laughed a little as well."Well I wasn't just gonna sit there and let you win now that'd be no fun." The two laughed together."Alright I'm gonna hit the men's shower and get cleaned up." She watched as he left to the shower. Deciding that she smelled like crap Grace hit the women's shower which as right next door to the men's. Once done showering she headed back to the barrack and laid on her cot. Looking up at the ceiling those memories came back into her head."I'm sorry Grace, I'll s-see you o-on the other side. While I-I'm gone find someone new." Those were his final words before passing away. It was all her fault. Still not able to sleep the mentally exhausted woman decided to head outside and get some fresh air. Once outside she looked up at the sky. The stars shined bright. She flinched hearing the door behind her open,"Oh you're out here." Y/N said with a cup of coffee."Ya just needed some fresh air." The man next to her leaned up against a wall."Ya same here. You seem a little off, something on your mind?" He questioned as he took a sip of his hot beverage."Oh it's nothing but I could say the same to you. You seem a little down to." He sighed."Well recently I lost a good friend of mine. He was a new recruit. He was young and naive but an overall good person." The woman felt some sympathy for him."If you don't mind me asking how did he die?" It took Y/N a little to respond."We went out on an op. As we were heading to the exfil we got in a firefight. Mid firefight a frag landed at my feet, he pushed me out of the way and jumped on it taking the full blast. I should've jumped on it. That kid still had a life to live. Losing friends hurts like hell. You ever lose anyone?" Grace didn't know if she could tell him. I mean it's not like they'd meet again so why not."Ya I did actually. Wasn't that long ago. I lost him to a suicide bomber. Losing friends is the worst." The two stood their in their sorrow."We're friends right?" Y/N smiles at her with same smiles her past lover use to give. It warmed her heart a little."Friends?" "Ya I mean we did just share some deep secrets." She laughed a little."I guess so." The two continued to talk before the Rainbow operator grew tired and went to sleep. Y/N couldn't sleep very well this night, well to be honest he couldn't sleep almost every night. Violent dreams of memories from Afghanistan kept him awake. He'd wake up screaming and sweating. The rather tired man downed his coffee before heading back in to watch some TV.

(Sorry for such a long chapter but I hope you all enjoyed! If you have any suggestions or anything you guys want to see just leave it in the comments!)

Rainbow Six Siege Operation Blackstorm [Male Reader x Doakkebi] Where stories live. Discover now